Sunday, April 27, 2014

KO's Catkick Batshit Livejournal

After about 3 or so weeks of blissful silence, out comes the Hag of Hate again. The scene; her wretched livejournal that is mainly filled with some of the crappiest writing and stalkerish fan fantasies mingled with psychotic outbursts about cops, guns, witches and stalkers (who are really the victims)...

Again I'm creating this blog from recent comments as found here.

God I leave for a while to come back and she's STILL on her insane shit missions to harass, lie and fuck with people. Her CatShit journal is always such an hysterical example of psychotic meltdown syndrome.

She's still crazy no matter how many times she screams otherwise.

Another bunch of insane drama! Oh and look, she never fails to try to sell her "stalker" shit.


1. She obviously has no idea what "facts" really mean.

2. She obviously has no idea what signature Stu is referring to.

3. This is another psychotic rant that is nothing more than bitching about being banned from MOWFO and this is the SAME bullshit that she does all the time.
Nothing's changed and of course she never lets go of the past. A past that she created herself because she's insane and all of that.

4. Kimba never told the bitch about any stalkers telling her anything. This is an outright lie. The crazy kicking bitch just wants everyone to believe that Bibbi (or the long list of people who've been victimized by Catshit) is feeding info to people.
The reality is, is that Stu and others really did see her post that curse shit. She's well known for it! What's more is that people actually HEARD it from HER own foul mouth.

5. Stu never altered any post. He redacted the names so the people who took screenshots of it wouldn't get the same CRAP that she (so obviously) dishes out.

6. The whole vote thing is an absolute hysteria coming from her because her "fuck buddies" didn't even vote anyway. MOWFO wanted her gone. Period. They were in the right. As evidenced so heavily already.
BTW and FTR jealousy is as far as one can get as to what Stu is about that fucked up shit.

7. Before she was banned, she was violating the rules and she was doing so everyday until a stop was put to it.

8. There's her usual creep face coming through with her usual "GIVE ME ATTENTION NOW!" when she uses her overused word "stalker" and includes some reference to getting wet. So her mind is always on these people who've done everything in their power to avoid this toxic psycho bitch.

And why on earth bring a poor cat into her rants? Oh yeah she does kick cats even if metaphorically. One thing she does believe in is animal abuse because she abuses everything and everyone.

AND FINALLY folks, if she doesn't care about the group...WHY does she STILL bitch and moan and flame them all the time? Obsessed much and she obviously cares what people think of her because in reality SHE'S the one with the "very severe mental issues".

Another reader adds

Stu himself tells about this experience in a more concise telling.

Gee, this Stu guy really IS logical and rational after all! Haha.

His post is far more rational sounding and logical than her psycho flailing rant that just spits out a bunch of obvious lies, lies that don't even make sense along with a bunch of profanity.

Then after a day or so, out comes another wave of psycho screaming.

She's such a looney psycho nutcase.
Shitstain Kooky O got another post but it's the same bullshit.

The Meltdown...again.

Stu never tried to "subject" her to any rules outside of MOWFO, it was the fact she WANTED to remain on their group and in their group that she would have to comply with the rules. But she didn't want to do that!
As usual she feels entitled, superior and above everyone else. Like she always assumes. If she's not in the group anymore then what the fuck is the big deal then? Why does Crazy Bitch still bitch and twist things? Oh yeah she's a total headcase.
Her latest Stu rant is another heap of batshit crazy.
And yes, it is a re-write with more frivilous bullshit twisted rewritting of history she always does.

Further comments :)

And here she keeps claiming she never posted any curses or flaming shit against people, this is her whole drama.
Yeah yeah, and I suppose all this is just "new" LMAO! No, this is ALL old pattern Katheryn.

And FFS she's going to "leave that up for a while" as if anyone reading that will ever be able to make heads or tails of any of that psycho babble.

A MOWFO member who is a reliable source gives his comment as well:

The reason that this happened is that they are talking about a Mowfo BBQ event and her spies told her about it. So she wants to re-write history. And claim diffrent things happened even if 2 people were excluded from voting there was overwhelming votes to have her banned and kicked out until she apolgizes to anyone she attacked or offended. So yes it is a life time ban.

And Stu himself was gracious enough to give his testimony to share with us of Kathryn's ever repeated and regurgitated garbage. He pretty much confirms what all is said above. He writes:

Oh, I actually LOVE direct questions!  Funny how she asks them to the wind and not to ME, who she apparently is talking about.  But for anyone who wants to know, here are my responses.  (And I'd be happy if you forwarded them to her.)

K: Of course Stu claims it's a rewrite.  But tell me, what part is rewritten?  What part didn't happen?
Me: First, my remarks weren't about the posts about the robbery that she denied.  I told her that I saw, with my own eyes, the "curse" post she wrote about Johnny (Brick).  THAT is rewrite #1.

K: Um...I never used a signature in LJ.  Ever.
Me: I used the term "signature" figuratively.  (Nobody SIGNS e-mails, after all.)  I just couldn't remember if I saw it on her Catkick LJ or on another forum where she calls herself "Kathryn O."  (And I told her as much.  I never expected a pop quiz.)  That's called "honesty."  But it's also a fact: I saw it myself.

K: You know what Freud says about guys who like guns
Me: Freud today isn't taken seriously by anyone AND wasn't it YOU, Kathryn, talking about your OWN gun?  (You also said something about your "weapons."  You know what they say... LOL!)

K: Then, he posts what he claims is a screen capture of the phantom post.  I've never seen it before.
Me: I did find her post, forwarded to me as a three-part capture.  She's lying again; she's seen it because she wrote it.

K: Hell, it doesn't even sound like my language I'd use.
Me: I'll let readers be the judge. You'll find the post attached.*

K: But get this!  Mr Logic-and-Reason admits to altering this post. is an altered piece of information proof of anything then?
Me: Indeed I did!  That's what is known as "honesty."  In the interest of full disclosure, I told her what was altered, WHY it was altered and how the content was unchanged.  The ONLY REASON she knew it had been altered was because I TOLD HER.  As I said above, it was a three-part capture.  I put it into a single, one-page-sized format so that readers wouldn't have to flip between pages.  (I've retained the originals, just in case anyone has doubts.)  The only other alteration made was that I redacted the sender's e-mail address.  I did this at the request of the sender.  It is highly visible and obvious.  No other alterations were made.

K: Hell, he wanted to hold some vote but my friends couldn't vote.  Why?  To quote him, "Because you're fucking them."
Me: The survey was mostly about MOWFO policy for disruptive members.  (I can show anyone interested a copy of THAT, too.)  It wasn't something I wanted; members demanded it.  Only one of the questions was about Kathryn specifically.  It asked: "Do you see Kathryn O’Connor as disruptive and bad for MOWFO?  If so, should she be asked to leave?"  The answer ended up being an overwhelming YES.  (I've kept the tabulation results as well.)

For weeks (maybe months), Kathryn had been touting the fact that she, Michael and Marla were a "triad."  As I understand the term, it means that there is a sexual relationship.  Kathryn made it a point to let everybody know this, not just me.  (Mike's famous line, "I'm not doing anything that my wife doesn't approve of" came from this.  He repeated this at Sherry's house during one of the special parties.)  This is the backdrop.

During the whole fiasco leading up to the complaints, creation of the survey and the vote, I had been corresponding with Kathryn.  As her friend, I'd hoped to give her some advice to avoid being kicked out and clue her into what was being said by members.  The voting began with the initial e-mailed survey, and initial results ran against her.  When I told her this, she asked, "Well what about Mike & Marla?"  It was then that I told her that I didn't send them a survey.  When she asked why, I told her that I knew they'd be biased in her favor.  She asked me why and I reminded her of her "triad" remark.  She kept pressing me on it, and I finally said, "BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING THEM," hoping to break through her obliviousness.  And then...

K: Then he babbled something about that's what the police do.
Me: SHE asked ME to explain why that might disqualify M&M from voting.  I used the example of how police question people who witness a car accident.  They NEVER let people in a car "witness" for the driver of the car they were in, because they assume that they're friends and family of the driver and their testimony will be biased.  I tried to convey that the same principle applied in this case.  (I also mentioned that ANY investigation operates the same way.)  Anyone who knows me also knows I'm adverse to reinventing the wheel, so I borrow from professionals.

When I again mentioned that they're in a sexual relationship, she said, "It's not like that."  I took her at her word.  I immediately sent M&M a survey via e-mail.  I again offered them a hard copy at both Ram's Horn and at Redford.  (They declined one of them -- I forget which.)  In short, they had three opportunities to cast their own vote.  I never got anything from them.

K: He was just jealous of our relationship and rigging the vote.
Me: I cared nothing one way or another about their relationship; I had no reason to rig any vote.  I've retained all documentation and am happy to let anyone "check my homework."

K: And after he says I'm kicked out of the group (after that conversation about people fucking me not being allowed to vote,( I'll never call it a fair vote.
Me: What she calls it doesn't matter: it was completely fair.  MOWFO isn't big enough to generate overwhelming numbers -- it was quite easy to tabulate votes.  After ignoring all of my advice and failure to own any part in the fiasco, the members voted and she was asked to leave.

K: He contacts me to threaten me that I am violating the rules of the group . I had to remind him, "Dude, um...I'm not a part of your group anymore.  Remember?  Your rules don't apply to me."
Me: What SHE fails to mention is that her first removal was a SIX MONTH SUSPENSION.  During that time, we had implemented some rules about conduct during suspension.  (Naturally, she violated them repeatedly.)  When I warned her, she had a tantrum and said "I quit," along with hurling insults, which is her SOP.  Still, the REST OF US have rules we agreed to follow.  So when I warned her again when she once again violated the rules of suspension, she claimed that she'd quit and that our rules didn't apply and that I was somehow terrible for reminding her of them.

K: He's an Atheist.  I remember him taunting me on Christmas day out of the blue sending me an email about all the groups and places I've been banned.
Me: SHE is a WITCH.  Now, that's just as irrelevant as her opening words.  As I recall, she and I were having an e-mail conversation about her conduct.  It was devolving from friendly to hostile, which I'd hoped to avoid.  I'd heard from various group members of other groups she'd been kicked out of, and I knew of some online forums where she'd been banned as well.  I simply made the observation that it seemed odd for these groups to randomly kick people out, and that the one common factor in all of them was HER.  I made the suggestion that maybe she WAS the reason and that she should re-evaluate how she interacts with people.  Silly me -- I was once again trying to wake her up and help her stop bleeding friends.

K: But he included drum circles.  Um....I've never been banned from any drum circle ever.
Me: I'd heard from one member that she'd been kicked out of a drum circle she'd been a part of.  No, I can't swear to it that it was gospel truth, but I trust the person who told this to me and mentioned it in the course of the conversation above.  I wanted Kathryn to know that I was on to her antics beyond MOWFO.  COULD that be wrong?  Sure.  But that was also beside the point.  She wouldn't have to complain about people and groups "turning against me" if she simply changed her conduct.  That's what I was trying to get into her head.  Instead she stepped on the rake of "drum circle" and completely missed the point.

K: He sneered at me when I commented on him ruining Christmas for the past three years . He asked what would a witch celebrate Christmas for.  I had to educate his stupid ass about the origins of the holiday.  He had no clue.
Me: So she misses Christmas at MOWFO?  She claims not -- that she hates all of us, how we're losers, etc. -- but how else is it I or anyone else "ruined" her Christmases?  I've done absolutely ZERO to her since she was asked to leave, beyond responding to various threats, missives and accusations.  I have never been the initial actor; every contact with her since she was tossed out was in RESPONSE to her.  Each and every one.  No "sneers" or hostility.

Also, although I DID respond to her accusation by asking her what a witch (especially her BRAND of witch) would care about Christmas, she never expanded on the history of the holiday -- LOL!  It's also hilarious that it wouldn't occur to her that we atheists TALK.  We have forums and e-mail lists, chat groups and meet-ups; that the history of the holiday is circulated each and every year!  (And -- cluephone ringing -- said history has zero to do with witches, unless she's going to lump them in with pagans.)  But in her head, she's not only a master nutritionist, but an historical authority to boot.  And a pothead who ACTUALLY sneers at those taking LEGAL, prescription medications.

K: Think I give a shit what he and his dinner group of losers think of me?
Me: Yes.  Yes, I do.  You, after all, can't let this die.  YOU blurted your rant on LJ, making our mutual friends pass it along.  Seems you got pretty worked-up over what is supposedly ancient history!  You obviously care very much.

K: ...they are banned from advertising in other science fiction groups due to Grumpy Cat's awful past behavior.
Me: That has zero to do with me.  I'm a guest on one panel and running another at Penguicon.  AND being allowed to promote and sell my books there.  How's that ban supposed to work again?  File this under "fiction."

K: ...but you only let [Russ Cage] back into your yahoogroup just to bash me.  What other reason could there be?
Me: First, I had NO IDEA that you and he had been feuding.  Secondly, when the big mess EXPLOSION hit the MOWFO list, a lot of people chimed-in.  Russ had seen the posts because he had never been completely removed.  But when people began to pick apart the mess, he IM'd me and said that he had a few facts to contribute to the conversation.  I warned him to STICK to the facts and not make ad hominem attacks.  (In short, follow the current rules.)  He agreed, however I took the precaution of placing him on moderation.  I personally allowed ONLY the remarks that were NOT "bashing."  K was allowed to answer as well.  It was all about fairness.

K: It just shows what a sick sadistic ass you really are.
Me: As I see it, it shows what a myopic, pathological, toxic and malevolent person YOU really are.  I'm quite disappointed that you're incapable of rational discussion and that we communicate via silly posts such as this.  Why not face-to-face?  Why not over the phone?  Why the cowardly disappearing LJ posts and the blocking and banning?  You OBVIOUSLY want to communicate -- it's important enough to you to write long missives like the TWO I'm responding to!  Why?  I've left you alone as you SAY you wished.  Why haven't you just gone the fuck away?  Or let ME depart from your life?  Why must you badger people who just want to be left alone?  Only you can answer those questions. You NEED to answer them FOR YOURSELF.

*Those darn screencaptures that KO thought could never be saved as evidence. Sorry I had to chop out all the sides and trim the capture somehat as Blogger was having a fit about letting me upload a bigger file here. But I got the main part of it. The words that KO posted. And that's all that matters in the end. My thanks to Stu for allowing me to post all this with his kind permission.

The Ever Growing & Changing Lie About Meeting George Harrison

We all know Kathryn O lies and she lies like most of us breathe. But one particular lie is so easily dispelled that I'm truly disappointed in anyone who will fall for this very obvious lie from a very obvious lunatic fanatic who comes from another fandom ever since being thrown out of it due to her consistently stalking its main celebrity and fanbase.

We have discussed this very thing before, and even recently you can see this thing is brought up again because she continues to lie again and again. Rather than write out a whole new blog on this, I will simply borrow from the comments presented by myself and other readers from this link.

The lie she's selling again!
i.e. Kathryn O's ever twisting and convulted story to have met, touched, spoken to and been naked with George Harrison.

Kathryn O never met George! Also in her first incarnation of this story, she said that neither one of them introduced themselves and that she was wearing clothes and walking back from an "estate" she and her imaginary friends snuck into. She's since changed that to being naked as walked back from the "National Park" where she met a cop, a photographer and guy with a snake and posed for pictures while being naked.
The only thing that remains the same is the dumb dialogue. And even that has been changed from time to time.

Thankfully not everyone is buying her lies!

We got the goods, or most of the goods anyway. AG removed the one thread where she made her "snake, cop, photographer" claims.

Please see previous blogs here and here.

And here is another site where the lie is manifesting: BeatleLinks Thread. See post #11

In this version Harry says a LOT more and suggests it's HIS pond. So the dialogue she concocted does change a lot.

Oh and "I Had a flask on my hip" which strange when you're walking around in nothing but a hat and shoes. Somehow she forgot about wearing a flask. She forgot also that she already told people that she was wearing clothes and even described them at one point as being a full-length skirt and tub top.

And again she had told people that she was on the property of some National Park but in these links, she's clearly trying to tell people that she's on someone's estate. Which is not the same thing.

To which a few Anonymous readers left their comments on the matter:

Yeah and back then she never mentioned anything about being naked and now it's all about her being naked. KO makes sure to mention that right off the bat! But back then she never even mentioned it and there's even the one post where she says she was clothed! But see, the whole thing never happened. Crazy people cannot tell reality from delusion but I think she knows damn good and well it never happened. She just wants people to believe she really met George because she wants people to believe George talks to her from beyond the grave.
This is how she's trying to sell that lie because she knows he'd never talk to anyone he never knew in life and if she can make her lie seem big enough and herself seem like such an event to George's life, then she can claim he would remember her. But fortunately George never saw her, and he never lost his eyesight. Meaning he never had to see that thing naked.

Oh and she's still fucking crazy and delusional. But she's a liar from the word go.

I commented back hoping that even casual readers will see how far into a lie Kathryn O will carry it.

And yet WHERE is this "place" at? Never does she ever name it, give any proper descriptions, nada.

No real information. Just a bunch of bunk.

Then she decides to make up MORE shit...NOW it's a "National Forest" again "bordering on private estates" which sounds hysterical considering she's trying to sell off her idea of where Dirk Benedict lives!

As predicted.

And we have hit the nail on the head!!

No real information. Just a bunch of rubbish.

Out in Montana?

Also she failed to mention the YEAR and WHERE this place is...again. She fails to mention this supposed "National" forest which anyone could remember. Yellowstone? Rocky Mountains? I mean, come on!

Oh and it changed from 3 miles to 5 miles. In the BL link she says she hid her car 3 miles away. And in yet another version she walking back to her "friends' car"

George never owned a house out West in the USA anywhere. He spent some holiday in Benton, IL in the 1960s (Crazy Batshit wasn't even a cum squirt then) and he wasn't in the USA hanging out at National Parks or estates bordering them (nice little lie she concocted there to try to backpeddle from the different versions she had told people) in the early 1990s.

Further comments.

You're right! She goes from swimming and being clothed, to skinny dipping and being naked now. The story changes so much that she'll eventually be seen as the liar she is.

Also I have it on good authority that she told of it "being a dream" she had when she was still subjecting those poor MOWFO people to her constant bullshit lies.

It started out as a "dream" she had. But the fact is, the Crazy One never met George Harrison. She also adds to her tall tale about Harry not being George's brother. I guess by now, she knows that anyone can just ask a LIVING person about all this as George cannot speak against this shit now, so she throws in that "Harry" (that in the beginning of this bullshit story she's carried on with for years couldn't remember the name of) isn't George's brother. That whole mess of Harry Harrison still being alive had to have had her scrambling for that backpeddling she does so much. Now Harry is just some random dude.

She says oh it was "out west" somewhere but still cannot name a state. Since the USA does have these areas called STATES you'd think she could name a fucking state! Nope. She can't because IT'S ALL MADE UP BULLSHIT!
Oh it was somewhere thataway! Nice way to dodge answering an honest fucking question. Eyeroll*
She's really twisting her lie into a mess she can't get out of. The more she adds the more she'll have to find other excuses and fibs to cover up the ones she's already told, and soon it's gonna come out like to big pile of shit that her lying mouth is.