...and those who've drank way too much of the KoolAid.
Let's see, a mini fortune spent on a cruise to get the man of her dreams...no, not Paul McCartney, but Dirk Benedict. KO goes and shows what a crazy deranged lunatic she is and gets herself banned from the cruiseline. Well that's definitely worth noting, I'd think !
KO then started stalking all the Dirk's other fans and mildly interested members of his site to see where they had commented, and used that as a pretext to rage in places where she wasn't already blocked. Not only did this result in a whole lot of negative backlash against her, but KO also ended up getting an account strike that she claims, "I won't let this bother me" but then spends the rest of her life complaining about it and what resulted thereafter.
Also at around this time, KO gained a number of detractors which eventually resulted in KO flying into a fit of rage, not just because she was getting harassed, but because the the Police refused to do anything to help her.
But she is extremely emotionally manipulative, codependent, demanding, masochistic, paranoid, sexually deviant, and displays temporary psychosis (meth-style). When this happened over a Paul McCartney forum, she gained the audience of a like-minded bully named Robert Macs who bulked up to become the savior of her imaginary world.
He stalks and sulks, and he obviously got very liberal with the term "stalker" because he just kept hearing it from KO so much that he is stuck in permanent parrot mode.
Which brings on why she seems to control the very weak-minded. KO could never in a million years get normal people to fall for her constant bullshit and mindgames so she pitters around the desparate and creepy to gain unwarranted sympathy. From there she can get them to do things they wouldn't do. They believe they are helping a victim when in fact they are helping the very perpetrator of the crime.
Another pathetic repeated "30 year" claim. She just can't stop repeating her lies.
And by the way, IF she really had read the book "30 years ago" as she claims, any real long term fan would have known there was a second edition being a big Beatle book follower and such.
KO only knows about the LSD part of the book because she's on those LJ communities and reads other posts by people who do know about it. What a fraud.
This is FUCKING SICK! And of course, kids can still read the posts on MPL! Her post is wrong on so many levels!
What 10 year old thinks like that? A perverted future pedo like KO!
It's another "small child, Beatles fan since the dawn of time" claim but she blew her cover recently when she revealed that she's been kicked off many other forums in the past! Gee what other forums? Would that be the celebrity sites of past famous guys she's stalked and been psycho on? HELL YEAH!
Of course it's never her fault, an imaginary stalker must have done it. *eye roll* I do know many people had to report her posts on some sites where she posted their phone numbers and personal info BUT she'll HIDE that fact right away and make the victim out to be the bad guy! Of course! DBO, DS, S:99 anyone? Not to mention the rage of terror she tried to leave on a multitude of yahoogroups.
I'm still wondering how they allow such a filthy troll to keep posting. WTF? Ringo, daisy, fucking bracelets? WTF acid is she on?
Commenting here in regards to the comments posted to the last blog.
ReplyDeleteThat whole BULLSHIT cockamanie story of hers that a "stalker" harassed previous admins of various other sites until they banned KO's sorry ass is a real BIG blow of smoke up the asses of those imbeciles who are actually buying into that! ROTFLOL! Grown men and women who listen to that obvious sad lie of hers just has to be something worthy of being mocked and ridiculed!
Really? Previous admins just caved in and banned KO on another's say-so and harassment? Whuuuut? Was she fresh out of other lies that that was the one she came up with???!!!
Yeah I'm so sure THAT had to be the reason she was banned although she keeps claiming that she "left" those other sites! Now she was banned because admins and mods came up against The Terminator or something!
*GUFFAW* It's like once she's got the minions believing every stupid sorry sack lie she tells, their entire capacity to think for themselves has actually been re-programmed out of them because that has to be the STUPIDEST and most IDIOTIC LIE I've ever heard!
But I have a brain and I can think for myself. Seeing her shit like that makes me wonder how bad life would suck if I was one of those minions!
ReplyDeleteKathryn O'Connor
Well, I got another threatening e-mail from some anonymous bitch using my old alias Karen Nesbit. Typical bullshit bringing up such crap as I was the one that was threatening Paul's site (his mods proved otherwise) and I did flee the scene of an accident (the cops proved otherwise and even caught the real perp) and claimed I used Paul's board as an alibi. (I did).
Claiming no one reads my stories. (I have a counter and I get PMs about that)
It seems to follow a pattern. Someone tries to get to us here by getting someone on the board to post our stuff, causing a stir. The mods take down what they post and we move on to funner things to talk about.
then I get the strange e-mail because they have no way of getting to me for the moment.
Like · · Follow Post · 18 hours ago
Robert Macs according to the email you got from B.Gannon the mods think this group is full of bullies - lol nothing could be further from the truth.
12 minutes ago · Like
Kathryn O'Connor
ReplyDeleteWhoever wrote this story got all our names wrong:
Like · · Follow Post · 17 hours ago
Seen by 12
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Kathryn O'Connor You see, up until the Paul forum, my stalker would go to any admin of any site I'm on and demand they ban me. If they wouldn't comply, she'd keep up the harrassment until they did her bidding. this happened endless times. Paul's staff was the first group that didn't give in to her. they'd only ban me if I broke the rules and they clearly stated to me what those rules are so I'd know.
17 hours ago · Like
Audi Maccafan I would check it out, but I don't want these ill losers to have my IP address.
17 hours ago · Like
Robert Macs thats all they are Audi - losers - Kath i think you should post the email you got from Robert Gannon.
14 minutes ago · Like
Kathryn O'Connor
DeleteThis is the letter I got in my inbox from Bibbinut. (Yeah, I know it's her). one of the names for one of the weirdos that targets me. Note all the errors. like what is Facebokk? and fletting a scene? and who still cares about Myspace? and the fact that I'm still on the sites I really care about?
and the fact she accuses me of misspelling (which I do) but yet has several of her own?
Bet she gets her news from FOX
STFU and get off the internet!
Nobody reads your lousy Beatles slash ficton.
And yes IT WAS YOU that asked for help to hack sites.
And the excuse your were online when you know you caused and accident and flet the scene is beyond stupid.
Then again you are beyond stupid and a troll.
So do everyone a favor and get off the internet for good.
And also learn how to spell.
How does it feel to be banned from all of those sites?
BTW Facebokk is watching very, very closely.
And yes, you were banned from MySpace and permanently from there too.
Don't try to deny it.
It's proven that you are a liar.
Have a nice day.
I'm sure glad that I'm not you.
Like · · Follow Post · about an hour ago
Seen by 6
Audi Maccafan Who wrote this -- Tonto?
41 minutes ago · Edited · Like
aw the poor, innocent baby
Kathryn O'Connor
about an hour ago
Yep, this is the kind of love I get in my inbox. Note the criticisms of my misspelling yet I can count at least 6 on this note. and if FB is watching me, I hope they are very very entertained.
The subject line read, "STFU and get off the internet." as if someone can try and order someone else off the net just because they don't like them (Rather then merely ignore them like a sane and mature individual)
It gets funnier as for me asking for help to hack Paul McCartney's site....well, his people have determined it wasn't me.
Causing an accident and then fleeing the crime? (Or is it fletting?) Well, the cops determined that I didn't do that. In fact, they even caught the real perp, some teen kid. and yes, I did have an alibi of being online at the time and proved it by the dating and timeing of my post.
what is Facebokk? Some new social site? I'm not on it. Probably will end up the way Myspace did. is anybody still on myspace anymore?
and it's been proven whoever sent me this is well....just plain wrong in her concrete facts.
"STFU and get off the internet!
Nobody reads your lousy Beatles slash ficton.
And yes IT WAS YOU that asked for help to hack sites.
And the excuse your were online when you know you caused and accident and flet the scene is beyond stupid.
Then again you are beyond stupid and a troll.
So do everyone a favor and get off the internet for good.
And also learn how to spell.
How does it feel to be banned from all of those sites?
BTW Facebokk is watching very, very closely.
And yes, you were banned from MySpace and permanently from there too.
Don't try to deny it.
It's proven that you are a liar.
Have a nice day.
I'm sure glad that I'm not you."
Colleen Goth Bunny Guernsey What the hell is wrong with people? Why are they attacking you? Who is doing this all the time? Why are they bothering you like this?
about an hour ago
Kathryn O'Connor Goth Bunny, we need to face this cold hard fact: This is what mental illness looks like in some people. This person is a fen (I know who it is) and yes, they are severely disturbed and can't tell right from wrong behavior. But this is what I have been putting up with for 9 years. I used to get a dozen in my inbox day asking me to kill myself. It stopped when the police got involved. but it's back again. Welcome to my reality. Considering some of these accusations were proven false by the police, (someone posting as me went online threatening Paul McCartney. Who would believe I'd ever do that? I heard from Paul's staff. and then someone in my city hit and ran. I was home on my computer at the time. Someone from MOFO (Yeah, I know who) called the cops. I proved my innocence with showing them Paul's message board and that I had posted there at the time of the accident. Plus, they caught the perp, some scared teen. Welcome to a world where you're guilty even when proven innocent by the law. welcome to this type of insanity in some folks)
about an hour ago
Els van Duin It seems like most of the time this person is talking about him/herself, not about you. It is called projection. Don't waste your energy on things like this Kathryn. Just save it (for whatever purpose it may have in the future) and forget about it. Don't take it personal, however difficult that may be at times: this is not your problem. There are more than enough people who can think for themselves.
about an hour ago
DeleteKO still saying the same old lies and bullshit.
Don't believe for a second it was some scared teen.
Again with same lie proving her innocence with posting at Paul's message board at the time of the accident.
No one who is law enforcement is going to believe that.
KO is always wasting her energy on attacking/harassing/stalking people.
And KO also gets pissed off when someone tells her to shut the fuck up and get off the internet.
It's about time that KO did!
And what about all those emails, snail mails and phone calls that KO's done?
A lot of us have saved that evidence including me.
Insanity does have a name and it's name is KO
*sigh* Now to dispell today's lies.
ReplyDeleteAgain, nobody threatened Paul M. or posed as her asking for hacker help! That was all KO and she was caught. Paul's staff didn't do anything about it except put stronger security on the against DDoS attacks. They did not prove she was innocent, they lied to everyone about contacting anyone because several people had asked for an investigation! It never happened. The admin of Hak5 (the site she now fails to name for some odd reason) had written back and answered all letters sent to him regarding that issue. It was KO that posted that request to hack (i.e. destroy other people's sites) and if it was at all possible, take a peek at what the mods were saying about her. THAT was the content of KO's post that she keeps twisting into this huge lie about some threat against Paul! KO has accused literally everyone of the deed that she knows herself she did! KO is the one who sent spies onto a private forum to gather whatever she could use and then went back into Hak5 to keep her sickening shit up. But when she was caught, what's Paul's staff should have done (if they were smart) was actually do something other than confront her with it and conduct a private investigation) but they didn't because they figured confronting a notorious liar was gonna be the ticket of getting the truth! *BWA HA HA HA!* KO accused everyone from Dirk Benedict to people in MOWFO to her own newphew! These KO minions, I have to say some of them are so goddamned stupid and missing a brain!
This is all documented anyway so no need to rehash it here. This Els person, if it can think for itself how about taking a step back and stop being so quick to put their head up KO's ass? KO is the biggest asshole projecting all over the place that you can imagine but she's sure got you fooled. That mask of sanity she loves to wear and that fake victim act of hers. Yep she sure has the routine down pat.
Moving on, the letter itself is very suspect and KO makes shit up with her mouth that her eyes haven't seen! (the letter is probably KO herself and she wants another ploy to be a victim) and as far as the police proving her innocent is another deception on her part. The hit and run that was the issue (in the instance of an early December incident) where the car she was driving suddenly had a mysterious dent on it and someone who was hit and described the car, well *that* was never resolved. She sure loves to throw dirt in people's eyes. Paul's forum wasn't even something they could have used as evidence anyway as it's a shared computer, timestamps are set to U.K. time not U.S. time and the posts she claims was at the time of the "accident" was actually a DAY prior since the U.K. is a day ahead! And she was bragging about "taking care of a neighborhood asshole she didn't like" shortly thereafter. Gee I wonder who THAT could have been?
If KO is so enjoying a Paul fandom, why did her first year of being on any forum to do with him all consisted of hateful slander against Dirk Benedict and his fans? Why is every topic turned into a topic about HER? And her sickening whining all the time? If she isn't bitching about someone, she's posting highly inappropriate things about the current celebs she's thinking she has a relationship with! My advice to Paul; don't host a fan cruise! Ask Dirk all about that 1 crazy obsessed fan out of the 99 percent of the other normal ones. Though it's safe to say that Paul has more than one crazy obsessed scary fan. Would explain how they don't seem to notice KO as she blends in with the insane fuckers.
And RM group is a bunch of bullies. Who all lined up behind KO because they're gullable bullies. All they wanted was a leader who had the art of bullshit flying out her ass.
KO has omitted so much out of her little tirades it'd be hard for her minions to distinguish any truth. MOWFO members were always under attack from KO before they all blocked her ass unilaterally.
Hey and KO never wrote to the admin of Hak5 because even he even confirmed that and if she were so innocent, why didn't she write to that admin of that site??? Hmm? Anyone else would have! I would have made sure to not only write, but posted the emails to show that I did write and what Hak5's responses were! But KO never wrote to the admin because SHE joined his forum and did the deed! And she knows it and she knew he'd KNOW it too!
ReplyDeleteAs far as her surprise that someone might suggest she gets off the internet because they don't like her, let's ask a better question, shall we? What about people who banned her for all the SHIT she caused with Dirk Benedict and the passengers of a cruise when he not only rejected her sick advances, but had her detained when she stepped up her harassment of him by using her steel dildo she brought onboard to threaten him with, and when she was banned finally she went to send threat after threat and had this utterly insane delusion that she was such a "powerful witch" that she could make the people who banned her "dead", not only off the internet because how dare they ban HER, but off the face of the earth!
Yes let's talk about that!
Els van Duin It seems like most of the time this person is talking about him/herself, not about you. It is called projection. Don't waste your energy on things like this Kathryn. Just save it (for whatever purpose it may have in the future) and forget about it. Don't take it personal, however difficult that may be at times: this is not your problem. There are more than enough people who can think for themselves.
ReplyDelete5 hours ago · 1
Kathryn O'Connor Yes, I understand about the projection. I just wish she didn't turn so many of my old friends against me. that hurts but I've learned who my friends are. and she tried to get me banned from cons and is not succeeding because I don't do anything wrong at them (well, no more then the rest of us)
oh do you REALLY "understand about PROJECTION", KO?
oh yeh, that is all you do, so you ought to understand.
ELS VAN DUIN, can YOU "think for yourself"?
Well said! The thing about her running to the police and trying to pull off that hogwash about "Paul's staff" cleared her of wrong-doing is hilarious. She sent out numerous letters last night saying she was going to the police with Paul's staff as witnesses or some shit. Ooookay. Yeah and all the police would have to do is look at her latest catshitty catkick livejournal post and determine who the real bully is! I wonder how she's gonna lie herself out of that one?
DeleteFunny how she didn't post the "letter" she got on that, huh? Can't have the evidence that might be traced back to her for the po-po to see, huh? Let's talk about her getting her minions to send demands and threats to innocent people on facebook.
Yes let's!
So now she's claiming that some other person turned MOWFO against her? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFor those with an actual brain; we know it was KO herself that turns people agaisnt her because she is TOXIC!
Mowfo's link is on EL's blog here at the links section. Anyone can feel free to ask THEM what happened. Just in case anyone who might have the capacity to "think for themselves" and get BOTH sides of the story! Instead of just going ape-shit because a drama queen and attention whore like KO has whipped some ugly gits into placing their balls into her purse.
Well you know by now that Audi and Retard Macs and that dumbass group of minions of hers no longer have the freedom to make their own decisions now. They will not add any friends on fb or talk to anyone without KO's permission and making sure KO approves of who they talk to now. AND THEY'RE ACTUALLY GOING ALONG WITH IT! She sent out some damned thing recently and literally instructed everyone to get with her before they add any friends or talk to anyone over the internet! And she had the nerve to bitch about Rahil asking Suzy to defriend her? Oyoyoy!
DeleteYou see, Rahil may have done that but KO will demand utter compliance! Hypocrite to the core.
and as far as I understand, rahil advised susy about those creeps (audi, ko, kapoop, rmacs, josh gill) because they were badtalking susy behind her back while susy thought they were her friends.
DeleteSo he was just advising her based on that duplicity.
This is as far as I have observed and understood from what I've read and info that I have been forwarded.
PMSL at you bunch retards, I will leave you now to waste away more of you're life's replying to this post, sorry, before I go I need to laugh at again at how sad you bunch are lollllllllllllllllllll
ReplyDeleteyou can begin now.. :)
Oh look a troll! By the writing style, I'd say it's Retard Macs! Your post is like you, fill of shit. How sad is a Retard Macs that has sold his life to a psycho stalking nutjob like KO and endlessly bitches about MPL?
DeleteLaugh away because denial is all you got, cunt.
It really says a lot about what a real coward you are Macs, when nobdy can give feedback and opinions and state what they know about something (or someone) waaay more than you, and you opt to silence any such effort and create little bullying groups to further your sychophantic following that you heap on others as being and rip people apart for whatever hate on you have that day. But you decide to come onto someone else's blog and feel the freedom of speech should only apply to you and your attention whoring queenie.
DeleteYou're not only a cowardly angry little man but a hypocrite and you'll grow old and die alone because you are nothing but a piece of shit.
RMacs, we know your ip and all of that.
Deleteugly, pathetic loser, no wonder your ugly wife left you.
go control your mindless fucks over at 'odds and sods' LOL.
Oh goodie. The Retard Macs himself shows up to fuck with my readers. Nevermind that I haven't even bothered to say a thing on his little insipid micro group of braindead KO followers because they can't resist a drama queen full of endless abuse accusations at the rest of the population of earth, but he's gonna come in here and show us all how truly moronic he is!
ReplyDeleteThe misspellings and his writing style is indeed Retard Macs, but further proof would be in the fact that I have IP tracking and can SEE the IP of people who comment here! I can even see IPs of folks that DON'T comment here. So he wanted to bang on in here and troll people here, I see. It's not bad enough that he's created this ugly little snippy, snarky group of insecure nitwits and fucktards to help him bolster his severely wounded ego as he continues to bitch about Alan and whoever, but he's got the #1 Paul fan psycho extraordinaire as ass-face creme!
But thanks a heap for giving us this:
Visit Length: 32 mins 28 secs
Browser: Firefox 23.0
OS: Win7
Resolution: 1366x768
Location: Glasgow, Glasgow City, United Kingdom
IP Address: Talktalk (
Don't think for a second that I won't be passing this info along. Retard Macs is as Retard does.
Asswipe. Go back to your own little group and gripe there about how people didn't bow down to your little queenie good enough and good luck with all your efforts to console her and let her vampire you of all your energy and emotion only to find she doesn't intend to stop playing her victim act and lying at all costs to keep her control over you. Such a big internet tough guy, you are! I think it's safe to say that the laughing is actually us at you.
Have fun being an easy mark for any unstable fanatic who feeds you a line. God knows you'll fall for it hook-line-and-sinker. You just don't have any use for skepticism or discernment. You must buy a LOT of bridges! Oh and you might wanna try to remove whatever kiddie porn you might have on your HD. Being associated with KO, there's no doubt in my mind that you are that type. You're both sick.
It worked, got you lot blabbering like a bunch of idiots :) I will leave you now to you're own little world of nothingness - sick sick people. bye now :)
ReplyDeleteThe only blabbering idiot I see is a sore loser who still cannot accept any facts and is still trying to suck up to KO for whatever sick reason. And you're actually adding traffic to here RETARD Macs (it was spelled right the first time as you are a retard) so your comments are nothing more than amusing. In the kind of way someone might find seeing you fed through a woodchipper amusing.
Deletebye now :)
And good riddance. You can kindly fuck off now and take your trolling elsewhere.
Sick sick loser Retard Macs... hey we're just telling it like it is! We're keeping it real while you listen to hysterical fantasies and lies by a NOTORIOUS online stalker named Kathryn Oconnor. If you haven't clued in on that yet, you're even dumber than you look.
Deleteps - pass on what you like, I'd love to see you losers explain this sick group, try and get the name right first Columbo.
ReplyDeleteanother variation of the bald-headed shitface rmacs
DeleteGraham Grimley
Results resolves to
Top Level Domain: "as43234.net"
Country IP Address: UNITED KINGDOM
Yeah we can explain this group, we're the people who've been harassed and stalked by your queenie KO. I know you're too far up her ass to see that. You insist on barging in here to scream out your total blubbering shit while of course no one better DARE to say a thing in your group...isn't that right little Dictator who follows the lead of a real tyrant?
DeleteWe have every right to speak out and speak up, and it just burns your ass. Butthurt Retard Macs.
And how is that whiteknighting for KO working out for you? Have you been able to get laid yet? Or are you still taking out your angry sad little sexless life out on people who KO points you towards?
So... Macs...why do you come here if we're nothing? Why not leave us alone? Yeah yeah you gotta be the big internet thug, you're a control freak who's outta control. It's just not good enough for you to have some people helping you flame KO's targets, but you gotta come here and start shit? And like KO, you must have everyone agree with you or else it's bully and flame city for them.
ReplyDeleteYou can go back and tell KO that sending you in here to attack us only proves how crazy she is and how easily manipulated you are by her. A real pair of rotund weeble midgets who spend your lives looking for any negative feedback regarding KO and then storming that with your online whiteknighting when people here and other sites are just dispelling her lies and sharing her latest psycho antics. Not to mention the fact you've posted comments here thus making anything you say about "lives" completely invalid.
Isn't your group all about trashing anyone who dares disagree with you or your queenie? Sheesh and all we're doing is telling it like it is!
KO lies about someone, it gets debunked right away! KO lies about some event or tries to deny her misdeeds and it's not only pointed out with direct links and testimony, people have done the wise thing to save screenshots!
So now that we all know you'll not even bother looking into the history of this psycho bitch you've obviously sold any trace of your brain to, I ask again... why do you come here? You're not welcome here. Go back to your ball and chain. Commenting here might also be violating KO's rules she set forth for you about having no contact with us, so GTFO and go back to bashing some people you don't even know for someone you have absolutely NO knowledge of or even cared to make some small thought spark in your empty head; gee do you REALLY know KO? Or is she just someone from this Paul McCartney forum that somehow got special favor from you because she kept on and on and on with her "poor-me" spiel?
There are links available here, any one of them leads to sites or individuals you could ask yourself what their experiences are with KO, but you won't. Because that would be using some kind of reasoning and stepping back and trying to think for yourself! The one thing KO simply CANNOT have you do! That maybe she isn't all she's claiming to be and that it might filter into your head that she might actually be a LIAR! *GASP!* Yeah the one thing you just cannot imagine in a million years of someone over the internet who has once stated to a group of people that eating human flesh is on her "bucket list"!
But I guess you had no idea she was into cannibalism, did ya?
Yeah Macs, let's talk about sick people....oh wait! Yeah! At least we were! You're just trolling for a sicko.
"So... Macs...why do you come here if we're nothing? Why not leave us alone?"
Deletethe same reason he/it is always crying about how 'bad' MPL board is and insulting everyone on there and pretending he is not affected by his ass being BANNED from there, while LONGING to be on there (even with fake account plans). LOL.
"Yeah the one thing you just cannot imagine in a million years of someone over the internet who has once stated to a group of people that eating human flesh is on her "bucket list"!
DeleteBut I guess you had no idea she was into cannibalism, did ya?"
Audi Maccafan Like I said the other day: "Triplets deleted his (rahil's) posts (copied directly from here) and warned to keep outside feuds, well, outside...and the schmuck did it again!!!"
20 minutes ago · Like
Robert Macs The dark side have done some good then orchestrating his temp or permanent banishment lol
15 minutes ago · Like
Audi Maccafan I'm not necessarily breaking out the bubbly. One never knows...
13 minutes ago · Like
Robert Macs At the end of the day its a result, he thought he was above bans lol i'm thinking you won't be seeing much of him if its a temp ban - he's only on the board to promote his excuse for music - Trinidad is to music what meat is to veggies - shit!! lol
9 minutes ago · Like · 1
Audi Maccafan hahaha!!
7 minutes ago · Like
Robert Macs I've still got the gift eh Audi? loll
4 minutes ago · Like · 1
====>Robert Macs ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh got a idea - i could copy his attacks on meat eaters and post them on cannibal groups - <=======
about a minute ago · Like
Audi Maccafan Nah...let's let him be.
a few seconds ago · Like
Robert Macs maybe we should tell him on his facebook page he was set up by the dark side.
a few seconds ago · Like
Nancy Riley Too bad they deleted all the good posts! lol
Robert Macs Someone should tell Simplyafud he's been set up by the loons, maybe he will tell us who passed on the posts
Robert Macs smoke the peace pipe with him someone - that should get the arse wipe mole on here worried lol
Kathryn O'Connor I've thought about it but he's prone to suddenly going off about something and getting mean suddenly when you never see it coming. I've dumped real friends who kept doing that crap. can't take crazy
Erm, well yeah. But I'm thinking in Retard Macs' case that he was just throwing that out there like the silly troll he is. He has this need to act like a total douchebag. But KO is very serious about her sick shit. She finds Jeffrey Dahmer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer fascinating. O.O
DeleteNot a sick serial killing monster, but someone she finds "fascinating"... yeah. She said this on several occasions when she was busy stalking and obsessing over Dirk Benedict. She even wrote "fics" about Dirk being devoured by some Marsh monster, I forget the name, but it was a creature that ate young men and she actually discribed in gory detail how he would die in these "fics" of hers.
Oh yeah and she claimed to have written vore fics about Dirk since she was a pre-teen.
Reading through you're posts the only person being harassed is KO. By the look of things this has been going on for years, how come you lot haven't got anywhere? I'm surprised legal action hasn't been taken against you YET!! carry on now... nite.
ReplyDeleteLegal action this asshole, I just banned you. Go whine to a lawyer now. Go whine about someone owning you money. How many cases have you got against people anyway ? Must really suck to be you to have so many lawsuits that aren't going anywhere. Your get-rich quick schemes might be better spent on faking neck injuries.
DeleteEL you could moderate comments until this nitwit troll who obviously has NO clue about KO has gotten bored and taken a hike. It's kinda unbelievable how anyone can read through here knowing people are actually responding to KO's harassment being done where he can't see it and thinking that everyone else is wrong. KO does have him well trained. He's got those KO blinders on and he's got no reason to think for himself because he's still stuck in this fantasy that legal action can be taken against us when WE have YEARS worth of the SHIT she's done. Blind little minions indeed!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that Retardo Maco has no clue about the legal actions taken against KO through the years! The restraining orders and blacklisting her from going anywhere near Dirk or his staff again, etc etc. But of course, yeah KO can spin a lie about all that too! Why of course it was Dirk's fault for not having sex with his #1 Fan and all.
Anyway, I added the new screenshots from her sick little LJ and included them in the blog: http://stinkyphewphew.blogspot.com/
That Retardo, maybe he wouldn't look like such an idiot if he could just learn the proper use of "you're" and "your" but even then, defending the likes of KO is quite proof enough that he got no brain. Maybe he should read through the mountains of emails, snail mails and listen to the threats on people's answering machines before posting such stupid tripe as "KO is being harassed" yeah and maybe KO's whiteknights might actually get laid!
Sorry sacks those minions of KO's. Still whiteknighting for her with their "life" being lived and all. Good grief.
Thanks Gordy. I appreciate the heads up about the additional screen caps. I have posted a new blog detailing moderating anonymous comments. Check it out.
DeleteTo the asshole who is an apparent bafoon wearing his ass hat; did it ever occur to you that your pathetic little queenie KO has went whining to lawyers and the police and everyone else within a 100 mile radius to try to squash us (her targets)?
ReplyDeleteYou know what happened? Well I'll tell you since you're ignorant of the issue, and apparently too drunk on the KO KoolAid. What happened was ALL the people she's been trying to "squash" or "legal action" has done a VERY smart thing and SAVED all her fucking emails, posts, ambushes, invasions of groups and sites, IPs, postletters, "gift boxes", threats, facebook harassments, yahoo harassments, all manner of harassments and virtually ALL of the lawyers and police drop kicked her on outta their faces!
Gee it's kinda hard to bring any kind of legal action against people who can PROVE with solid evidence (you know? that little thing called "evidence") that she is the one who stalks them, harasses them, goes after them, sends them threats and where she don't dare do it for herself, gets flippant bafoons like yourself to do it for her! If anything we're surprised she's still walking the streets! Well she sure did a number on you! You are known as a complete idiot who is still smarting over being banned from some other site and figured by joining forces with her you could continue your drama over there anyway. You two certainly deserve each other.
I would love to be the fly on the wall with the Courts if this ever gets in there
ReplyDeleteMe too. She'd be sputtering all over the place trying to justify her psycho behaviour and thinking a judge should be as easily manipulated as her minions were. But Judges are the hardest to bullshit. KO wouldn't stand a chance!
DeleteTroll said It worked, got you lot blabbering
ReplyDeleteGee he got some replies..oh whoo hoo. Still, all Rahil has to do is inhale and exhale and Retard Macs' sick little group of idiots blubber out nearly A THOUSAND comments about that! At the same time little Retard Macs can't explain his sick KO ass-kissing minion group. We don't have to explain anything to anyone because we have the right! We know what she is! That gives us the right to talk. Retard on the other hand is just a sad little troll who got his ass banned from a site and is now whiteknighting for some psycho deranged fan he doesn't even know!
Wow that retard minion of KO's sure wasted no time to rush in here and whiteknight himself all over his stupid dragging ass with his foot permanently lodged into his mouth. It sure shows you how unstable these KO imbeciles are to have to try to troll every damned site they can! Nobody went to their sick little group of KO worshippers and ass kissers and told them off and shove their own shit back in their face, but they're being sent to here on her command to try to change what we know to follow along their sick little sychophanic games.
ReplyDeleteGood call on RobertMac's life there; or lack thereof since he basically proven what we knew all along.