Thursday, February 21, 2013

Crazy Troll KO Tries To Creep Up On Others

...And then removes the EVIDENCE!

As Rahil and his friend Jags have been bashed by the psycho KO, and KO trying to tell people they are Astrid and other people, it has been requested that their links are taken from the Links section because they felt unsafe that KO would see their links here and with KO's past actions of asking hackers to hack Paul's forum to break into personal conversations with others, it's only fitting that I take out their links. I have taken out other links recently too because of the fact KO has been watching and attacking everyone and manipulating others. Since she has zero hope of getting one of her minions to hack, say DBC, those links can stay because those are established sites and they are filled with members who've been repeatedly harassed, stalked and threatened by KO.

Rahil and his friend did not want to be her next targets. Understandably. But they are real people. I highly doubt anyone she hates from LJ would go to the lengths to drum up a persona like Rahil.


  1. She tried to claim Astrid was Angie and then switched her story to the "hooker" and I didn't get screenshots of that.

    Who's Jags?

    1. The lady that KO first attacked on that Vegan thread on MPL.

  2. KO bashed them on that other group. There were those LJ posts. I didn't get screenshots of all of it, but some were before she removed her crap. She "disappeared" them and that's why it's hard to show evidence because sometimes she'll only have something up for so long.

  3. I got screenshots of her livejournal posts. But not the other ones.

  4. I only got the screencaps from LJ too. There were like 5 of them between February 14 to the 17.

  5. I don't see why you had to remove Rahil's link. I mean did he also tell KO and her minions to remove his links from their shit? They even included all of his stuff on their little retard site and his links are still there! Why would this blogspot have to remove his link when you guys clearly support him and KO gets to keep his links on her and her minion's site? They even call him some racial slurs and make fun of him. But YOU have to remove his link from here when you guys are not even saying anything negative about him? But they get to keep their stuff up. I don't get that.

    EL send me the details of this as I suspect he was probably threatened by AG or someone like that.

    1. Oh yeah, MPL has more to do with this than people might think. In the end AG has run that site like a Gastapo troop.

    2. Well his link is featured as ridicule by KO and her minion Robert Macs and they say some stupid things about him. But yes, we have been in support of Rahil and people did sign up to MPL to help Rahil there too. I'm just as baffled why his link is still on that group while we cannot give him a name or face here. It baffles me because the trolls had already posted his link to make fun of him.

      So. Go figure.

    3. Actually if his link is on the world wide web and is made public, anyone can post his link. So what if Crazy Bitch KO sees it here and decides to go after him? What is she really gonna do? All she ever does, whine publicly that Rahil isn't one of her minions or fans and then send him hate mail privately accusing him of being her favorite word "stalker" because he DARED give his opinion on something!

      That's KO for you! She's got everyone cornered and afraid to speak out. While she continues to hammer right into 'em.

  6. THE PLAGUE OF THE INTERNET does try to creep up on others and then delete the evidence...
    However, since she's so insane, psychotic, ugly....and beyond stupid.... she slips up...
    I've still got the emails she's sent me with threats and I can clearly read the IP's in the headers and I know exactly where it originated from and the ISP...
    It's clearly becoming evident to a lot of netizens that KO IS INSANE and a STALKING TROLL

  7. This same "KO" has trolled other forums besides the ones listed here. Thank you so MUCH for this blog and the info in it that will help the casual person who doesn't know to be enlightened. I wish to add my link. I also sent you via the blogger app a handful of other links to add to help promote animal rights. I know some of the people associated with this group. We would appreciated our links to be included because we too would like to have a voice and a way to combat this troll.
    As you can imagine she has been seen on other forums causing problems. One of my friends who owns a 4shared file sharing account is one of KO's victims.

    1. Thanks and I added what you sent me. I also added my friend's facebook as we are getting something set up so people can see what happened. She wanted to tell her side of things because she has had too many of KO's minions harass her on facebook.

    2. I am sorry to hear that Milla is being put through this.

  8. EL said that she was going to let Milla plead her case here about all the grief KO has caused her on facebook. I think EL is putting together a seperate link so people can read that. Also about the guy who tried to get her phone number out of her. KO sent him in to demand that and then this other stuff.

    And Jags apparently is "mad" over whatever. People from different sites were asked to come into the MPL thread to plead their case. And some good people were approached with a rather intolerant attitude over some links.

    1. He is afraid of KO coming after him. That's what he told me and my friend. But I wouldn't doubt that MPL probably got to him somehow. They do cater to KO and I think Rahil knows she's their favorite. Everyone is walking on eggshells. Can't piss off the Queenie.

  9. I added the links others have sent me. And in case anyone was confused, KO is one of those "furries" and her fetish is cannibalism. She once told a whole group of people (MOWFO to be exact) that she wanted to try human flesh before she died. Well let's hope Robert Macs lives up to his word because the sooner that horrid freak dies, the better.

    1. The furries link describes her sick and psychotic fetish. In my blog where I have her ugly pictures in the most recent one, you can see her wearing the head piece of one of these "costumes" and she has told people that she has a furry costume, and we all know she is into cannibalism because she bragged about it on our forum before she was banned, It was really sick!! >:(

      And she did claim to hate PETA and that link says that "furries" hate PETA so we know she's part of that ugly freak crowd. Yet they never seem to help her hack websites for her. Hmm. She still trying to make good on her threats? She threatened to hack Tina's forum too.

      And that member called Lone Raven from MPL, I think I know her. If she's the same person I think she is. A gothic lady that I know. A very classy one.

    2. Well she is a hippy witch wannabe who gloms onto any fandom she can get her fat cheese-caked fingers onto.

  10. So does this mean that Milla would have to delete Jags post/speech from her FB? I mean it's like MPL the only place they can post about being vegan? As long as KO gets to butt in in that topic? WTF?

  11. It's hilarious that the Troll is being ignored on LJ with her sci-fi mary-sue fic so she goes and posts it on beatlelinks and is STILL ignored! Too funny.

  12. Hey we're still working on getting Milla's page on a private blog set up. We'll password protect it. She already has one set up but it's all in Russian and I doubt any of my readers (other than Milla and her friends speak the language) but I'm helping her set up a page in English. But her story is already posted on her Russian page.

    I was also asked to include the link for Digital Spy as this was another site that KO trolled and harassed (mostly with hateful remarks against Dirk Benedict, among other things) and I do recall we covered some of that here so that link is going to be included. And MPL/AG has no say about it.

    1. Hold off on the link in the English version of my experiences for a while as KO has been causing all kinds of problems for everyone lately. KO tried to tell some people that Rahil was sending messages all over MPL giving this link and all kinds of other shit. I think she wants so badly to further widen the gap bewteen Rahil and everyone else. KO has tried to claim that Astrid was a couple of other people including Rahil and we all know that's definitely not true.

      I was also dragged back into Psycho's rants again and I've been accused of being Astrid and some other people. It never occurs to the Ape who runs that pathetic group that he is lead around on a leash by KO that I was probably the only one who actually came forward to him to let him know who got him banned because of the letters I've read passed onto me from another MPL member. But he can make a fool of himself. For all I care.
