Friday, September 21, 2012

Don't Let The Troll Get You Down

We all know KO has a long history of trolling and stalking people and fandoms, we know she loves to get anything deleted if it tells the truth. This is the way of a psychopath. But she can't hurt us and as I understand, people saved everything. So here are some suggestions where the good and badgered people from LJ can go to host their content.

Also there is an email to try.

Might try to ask them how to join that host.

They offer what LJ cannot. Freedom of speech. LJ has been known to restore accounts though so don't give up. I knew the Troll would whine to LJ until she got her way. That's what she's been spending her time on. You could make the communities private. And that could be something they might do. I will help where I can. Get in touch with Sindy via Astrid. Also there are dozens of other options to host from.

Remember LouseyFic accounts are allowed on LJ. So are features on idiots who make up outrageous lies and claims.

I am here for anyone who has been victimised by that Troll KO !


  1. Be prepared. Her bragging will be sickening. The hideous bitch will spin all kinds of shit lies now. Glad screenshots were saved.
    But like EL said, don't give up hope just yet. Put your stuff private and quietly move everything to somewhere she won't be able to fuck with you.

  2. I hope they saved everything because I missed a lot.
    It's true though, she does bully people and make fun of their hair while trying to paint a false story that people made fun of her hair. What an obvious bully Catshit is!

  3. I hope those that had their LJs deleted fight it with LJ. They did nothing wrong. Catkick doesn't have a life of her own, so she needs to ruin everything for everybody else. I can't imagine going through life so miserable and vile.

  4. Why can't she stop following people around?

  5. Here's the thing about deleted LJs: What I've heard is that they are basing their suspensions on harassing another LJ member. Hmm. This is not specifically said in the TOS, but generally referred to. Basically, if she whines enough... harassment is their easy go to. It shuts her the fuck up.

    My question is this, though. How can it be harassment when she goes and obsessively reads journals that 'upset' her?? UNINVITED.



  6. LouseyFic is about the horrendous fics of one particular so-called writer in A-Team circles, but they never took that down. I'd fight it if I were you guys. Agree to make it private and tell them it's a notorious stalker-troll that you were discussing and show them. I hope everyone saved their all their stuff. There are other places to talk freely.
    And you're right, she was never named!

  7. Just an FYI the IP of has been showing up a lot lately. Isn't that the one who trolled here before?
    Someone out there is definitely a "Miserable Minion".
    Sorry to see the troll has whined and whined until she got her way. Again. *sigh*

    What else would you expect from Psycho Stalker?

  8. Well now she'll be back to trolling MPL again!

    So here's her latest bullshit!
    And you should see the sick mentality of KO on YouTube and other places she's posting in! Eech! And why add on some stupid shit about having "good friends" on FB? She means minions, but what does THAT have to do with anything?
    Oh I have everything I see in pictures! I am everything too! A witch, a cannibal, a steampunk, a princess...big envy never looked so disgusting as you see of KO!
    Again with the obvious bullshit. KO is the most envious little psycho in the world! Never mentioned this before she saw that thread! Even though that would have been something a real Fender owner would have mentioned loooong before.

    Here she is spinning her lies again.

    And more of that ugly screaming tantrum throwing scaring the patrons of wherever she used to work.

    And somewhere, if I'm not mistaken, she's even bragged about having her own "friends" banned from MPL! Huh???

    1. As always, KO takes a topic and turns it into a "It's all about how special I am to know so-n-so".

  9. Lousybeatlefic speaks:

  10. She's such a dictator who cannot STAND that people have learned the truth about her. Instead of trying to change and stop her lunacy she just goes around deleting people. Imagine if she had a gun! O.o

    She does the deed and posts the abuse and then tries to remove all evidence of it and then goes around and LIES about what happened and the only ones who know are the ones who actually witnessed this bitch doing the deed! She loves to claim that screenshots are all fake. What a moron. Does she even know what she's talking about? It's really hard to do that given all the code that would have to go into it. And of course she has already made sure to remove the evidence of her pscyho tantrums so she can go and lie some more!

    There was no need to mess up anyone's lj's or device because of her personal hate toward them. People like her are what keeps humanity from evolving with pointing out of another's certain characteristic or wanting to tell the truth and using it against them as a means to control everyone through manipulation. Which she does very well on the blind and stupid.

  11. Angie isn't gone. Angie isn't going away. Angie will show up when CatShit least expects it. CatShit may think she owns LJ, and she can have it. Angie is on to bigger and better things.

    CatShit has only strengthened the resolve by showing Angie she was on the right track (as was LBF). It's a double edged sword for her to be an attention whore AND want the truth of herself to be hidden. Guess what CatShit... it doesn't work that way. You can't have it both ways.

    Keep looking over your shoulder, CatShit. Angie's right behind you. Your truth will continue to be uncovered. Better stock up on the cat litter...


    1. Angie, Sindy wants to stay in touch with you. Astrid has Sindy's email and she can pass it along to you.

  12. There are others who won't be silenced about Catshit either.
    It's far too late for Catshit to hide the truth.
    And Catshit your shitty fic attacking Astrid was pulled from JHP.
    So do keep looking over your shoulder, Catshit, Angie isn't alone.
    And there are far better sites than LJ to post in.
    LJ has really gone down the shitter.
    No wonder so many people have left LJ. :P
    And Miss Piggy yells "HIYA!" and swings her arm out at Catshit and sends Catshit flying across the room and we never hear from Catshit again. LOL

    1. Catshit's hate fics still get no comments on her little shitty lj! What a moronic loser.

  13. Good grief!

    What idiot rug-rat like KO would be reading articles or anything about Linda McCartney or be on the pulse of what the "world" was doing or saying about Linda.
    Her little story is so transparent and fabricated, she's on the "30 year" claim again. Since she's NEVER mentioned Linda before or prior to her Paul obsession,
    it's laughable that she's claiming Linda was a life-long inspiration of hers.
    What's more, she never saw Linda on stage because KO was never at that concert she can't seem to keep her lies straight about.

  14. EL, I tried to create an account on journalfen, but every time I try to register I'm giving an error message that part of the site is down.

    1. *Nevermind. I'm hoping that someone in the links you provided will answer the request I put in for an account there. LJ has really gone to shit with picking and choosing what they do and don't deem offensive.

    2. Yeah there is no reason to keep a notorious trolling harassing account like Catkick and remove other people for even talking about it and sharing their thoughts! For chrissake her username wasn't even used!

  15. LMAO! I would have loved to have seen the complaint explaining the name.

    ...and i know this lj is all about me, becase they call me catshit. Than they dont even spel it rite...


  16. For those that didn't see the last few screen cap posts on Catkick's Claims and Lousybeatlefic2 you can view them here

  17. See that KO, what a Troll! Dedicates her whole life and FB to people she harasses! Look at that! So easily predicted because everyone was RIGHT! She mouthed off her big Goodbye and just like clockwork, she's back to her MCP bashing! Those other fools who thought she was through with her sucking the emotional energy from them about how rotten her life is because they believed she was "moving on".... heh! Dream on, dupes! Did you really think that toxic little troll was ever gonna change and get a life and stop nagging and whining? OH PLEASE.. do tell.

    Reality check: You are spining your wheels. You are wasting your time AND your LIVES trying to be a friend to something that is not in ANY stretch of the imagination a friend to anyone. It's called a PARASITE. An emotional vampire. She FEEDS off of you. She will take every last piece of energy you have and she will never stop her drama or the chaos. She THRIVES on it. There is NO PEACE to be had with that thing. Drag you down and keep you there. You can bitch about us all you want but in the end, you'll soon realize we were fighting against this cancer. This KO who is a cancer that has done everything to destroy any truth and light from being shown. Still we prevail.

    Of course what she says about others is projection of her shit, but what they RESPOND with is the TRUTH!
    Thusly why people are being harangued by KO. Yeah she makes enemies of everyone. At least everyone she hates on has stood for the TRUTH. KO keeps on trying to destroy them.

    KO projects. People REJECT! But she doesn't get it. The folks who've never touched an illegal drug in their lives can say she's a druggie because, quite frankly, she IS! That's not projection. That's the truth. What KO does is projection because she is a toxic personality and a sociopath.
    Always trying to turn everything around onto the other guy. Resulting in her constant failures and her constant draining of those who are putting themselves up as easy victims to be stabbed in the back later when they are of no more use.

    About her claims that people are faking screenshots. Um, some of those links that have been screen-captured are still live and when the link itself is provided and people SEE the same EXACT thing that the screenshot is, how is it that she thinks she can claim they are fake? What a total fucking moron!

    Get your lies in order, you projecting cuntwad greasy bitch. Or stop trying to lie all the time! Even though that's your nature, to lie all the time.

    1. The only thing that makes KO happy is to sit and bitch, whine, complain, nag, stalk, pursue, postulate, and post all her negativity to the world when she's caught in lies and misdeeds. It makes her even happier to drag other people down.

  18. So all of the cuntwad's calling people MPC is a reflection of her, NOT YOU. Nice to know. ;-)

  19. Angie do you still have those facebook piccies that you made with the Pinocchio stuff? If so, please email Sindy or Astrid and send those. Thanx.

    1. Yep. Still have 'em.

      Sent along.


    2. That's great! Cause I'll put them up on my blog too! I'll have Richard contact Sindy and get them to me. ;)


    Oh look. Miss O'Dimwit posts something and TROLL follows RIGHT ALONG and MAKES DAMN SURE that everyone knows she's there and has "friends" on wattpad. The whole purpose of her post is to talk about herself in some way. As usual.

    Her lack of knowledge of the Beatles history is apparent on FB. Her toilet humor is always rearing its ugly head and she's STILL whining about MOFO. Yeah she all about the hate.

    1. Actual events are that KO kicks people when they're down. Like she did to Kimba.

      And how is anyone in MOFO fucked?? Is that another one of her silly threats? Like the "I'm gonna beat Diane up in a parking lot"... yeah good luck with that, bitch.

    2. 'Cos standing strong according to the gaggle of gutless cowards KO's got all duped into her delusions, is all about using any format to eternally whine, nag and flame people who kicked her out with good reason.

  21. Her recent ranting on FB is a clear indication that she still cannot see that she is mentally and emotionally ill.
    Still blaming everyone else for her own illnesses and psychosis. The whole "I can do it in your sleep" WTF? And further her whole shit story about "dealing with others mental illnesses" WTF again! Who the fuck does she think she is? God over all living beings? Deal with your OWN mental illnesses bitch! The real God (who is NOT you) knows all about your mental diseases and toxic personality.

    Karen Nesbit (fake facebook name) really and truly cannot see her own shit as what it is. Total sociopath. Bill and MOWFO and people on LJ are all what's wrong with her now...Gimme a break!
    Yeah her lying, bullying, stalking, malcontented nature and negativity has NOTHING to do with all her problems. It's always somebody else!

    Then after ranting on about stupid shit, she immediately goes right into another ridiculous drama about her shitty writing.

    Aw. No comments yet for your "masterpieces" oh KO of the Self-Appointed Greatness? I guess not everyone is going to up and hate Astrid just because you say so. You're a sick little pathetic troll who thinks by spreading hateful rumours about her and calling her names is going to help you build your fraudulant case against her to everyone now. So you repeat the same pattern over and over again. You do your so-very best to defame and slander that person until you get enough people on your side to help you hate your targets. Still you're not satisfied. You'll NEVER be satisfied. The hate from you is never-ending. Because the rot and the death is in YOUR twisted one-cell mind. You have no soul. Look in a mirror KO! YOU are what's wrong with YOU!

    Without doubt, EVERYONE is sick and tired of DEALING with YOUR MENTAL ILLNESSES and have been sick and tired of it for a LONG time!

    Bill & MOWFO did what they had to do to rid themselves of the TOXIC crap in their lives and its name was Kathryn!

  22. And the negativity is ALWAYS spewing forth from her like a broken sewer line!

    Another nice little pile of shit to stink up another thread.

    BTW, in other forums and groups, she claims to be raised as a "witch", not Catholic. That she was raised in that lifestle since 3. Hmmm. Catholic Witches are common in her delusional whatever she lives in.

    And to the person commenting above, yeah it's really obvious about her. If these people got rid of her, HOW in the flying fuck is she dealing with them in any way? If they're not around, how is she supposedly dealing with them?
    OH I SEE! She's dealing with them IGNORING her and keeping HER out of their lives! She wants to continue to drag them down all the time and they won't let her! Bad, bad people who won't play her games, her mind games and enable her! Yeah she's really dealing with a lot of their "mental problems" there! She CAN'T get to them! What a shame LOL!

  23. Well you know, we couldn't care less what KO thinks of them, us or anyone because we know how seldom she actually does.

  24. Look! KO had an obsession since she was "puberty" so I guess she defines the word immature! Yeah she's had it since 2009, her mental state hasn't changed since being that spoiled little rich brat who never had to learn any life lessons! Like taking responsibility and stuff like that.

    Still bashing Julian's staff and members. As always.

    Oh and she's bitching about her life again. Same ol' same ol'

  25. She even stole something from Julian's page to rant on her own page as if she doesn't know how much of a mirror image she's projecting. I mean look how ugly and worn she is. I rest my case.

    Then the wrath she has against Bill and the lies she's telling about him are the usual fare of her dramatic episodes of pity-party sessions. Not a word about any biopsies though. That seemed to have come and gone and she's back to sticking with her usual sympathy-sucking diatribes. We've heard it all before.
    No matter how she spins it, the truth is she made herself unwelcome and wore out a lot of welcomes that she once had due to her always attacking people and trying to hurt them either through her wretched gossip or her downright disgusting attacks on their characters she has conducted on and offline.

    There are T-Shirts people need to be wearing at conventions about her and believe me, she'll go thermo-nuclear. Which is something everyone is used to by now.

    1. Here here!!

      That Bill is really smooth at this point HAHA!

    2. Yeah and she has this same Bill on her friends list there! I guess she isn't going to defriend him, she would much rather just bitch at him on FB and have him be an audience to her attacks like the cowardly troll she is!

    3. Reading her FB wall is like reading a retard's guide to trolling. Use plenty of drama, complain about everything and have idiots build up that low self esteem for another round of self-pity and drama.
      Karen's FB wall is like reading a roller coaster of drama and stupid sexual remarks about any photo she finds. That wall is one long trip into some dark mind there.

      She's got two themes. Either being the pathetic ever-whiny dredge she is or talking about some famous guys kissing. Get a life, bitch.

      P.S. That steph has really deluded herself if she thinks old Karen isn't out to screw anyone over. She can't try to get people to send her money but she sure's to hell can get them to waste their lives on being her constant source of energy to be slowly drained from them. Better them than me.

    4. Let's see. Hmm. Bill, Mowfo, LJ peeps, oh and she throws in some added people she's tried to destroy before (Bibbi) and in one day not less than 15 different people are bad-mouthed and bitched about on her FB wall. Nice to know she took time out of her pathetic life to think about them! haha!

    5. Tomorrow it may be Julian's turn to get slammed. Who knows? And whadya mean??! She didn't take any time out of her life to think about anything since slamming people IS her life! Nothing's changed there. Her time is spent as it's always been spent. Beating the fuck out of her dead horse.

    6. Ah lookit that. She thought of Bill. And apparently all of the MOWFO members!


    The fat capricorn females are the worst.

  27. I need a T-Shirt that reads: So, a thought crossed your mind, huh Kathryn O? Must have been a long and lonely journey.

  28. And like she does with posts and the written word, she reads some really warped shit and delusions into photographs as well.

  29. Is the trolling bitch still bothering Astrid?

    1. Of course! Her list of people she hates because they have their own minds and won't be controlled, bullied and suckered by her grows longer everyday.

  30. I am so sorry to hear what that aweful and foul troll has done! While she keeps attacking people freely she sure is abuse-reportin' happy. What a fucking low life. But I found this if it helps:

  31. Karen Nesbit/Kathryn Oconnor is filled with lies. I'm preaching to the choir here, I know.

    Julian was right about her being "sandpaper"! Why if she isn't calling him a drunk again! Are you smooth or what, Jules?!! Looking pretty smooth to me, good man! ;)

    Any photo or anything she sees an opportunity to attack, belittle or make fun of, she'll take! She'll read some wild psycho delusion into the most innocent of things. It's how her evil twisted little mind works.

    Good luck to those people who are obviously too damn dumb to figure it out that she'll never be helped. She won't help herself so they are literally spinning their wheels by helping her bully people just because she says so!

  32. She's proven what a mean, nasty bully she is with all her projection in her God-awful LJ.

    Body parts apparently purr in her twisted serial killer-like mind.

    BTW, nothing made any sense.

    1. A Real Friend / A True SoulOctober 2, 2012 at 8:04 PM

      The crazy bitch can hate on Astrid all she wants. It won't ever change the fact that SHE is the mean crazy bitch that'll never change. She grew up with a silver spoon in her filthy mouth and she'll always look down on everyone else. It's the way she is.

      She was the mean nasty girl in school and the more she writes about some other person, the more it shows of her. I'll bet she tormented kids over being poorer than her family. And you know she's bullied countless others.

      To be clear, Astrid isn't two-faced either. Someone can actually not know someone and think they're ok. But when they finally realize something and see the real monster Catkick is, they can decide to not have anything to do with the bitch. Well that's exactly what Astrid did! Cut off all ties with that crazy psycho. That's called getting a clue. Not two-faced.

      Still the nutbag wants to drag Astrid into her screaming tantrums. Reverse the names in her stupid inane and badly written shit, and you got the truth! Astrid is the one who avoided Catkick and kicked that foul bitch to the CURB!

  33. Oh look she's trying to get Astrid's attention again. She's so pathetic.

    So she's trolling on BL.

    BTW I've NEVER known an atheist or a christian to hate George Harrison. Never seen any comments against him and I've seen lots of GH videos on yt.
