Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Another Hideous Filthy Attack on Another Victim

More insane attacks against the victim she abuses and obsesses over for life.


More creepy shit about someone's private parts that Catshit is STILL thinking about !

WTF makes that sick bitch think there's no fun to be had in AR ? WTFF ??? Has she ever been there ? No. She's too sick to be given a pass out of her looney bin cell long enough to travel.

How does one actually "show" their "twat" if something is in their ass? KO is sick and so twisted perverted in such a way that she has absolutley no concept of what a raving lunatic she is.

Aww what's the matter ? ... KO not getting much attention lately from anyone ?


  1. Um, Nacky hasn't said anything about any city. If it was years ago and I'm sure more sanely worded than anything KO would write, I can certainly understand why someone would say Detroit sucks.

    Speaking of fun, how's that fun working out for her [KO]? Spending her life on the internet in her mother's Detroit ghetto house and posting that kind of garbage for kicks. This is what KO calls "fun".

    and she's too crazy to figure out that it's not okay for her to say stuff like this about me either ?????? LMAO! ??????

    Since when has Nacky or anyone talked about oil spills and KO's nasty twat? Pointing out that apparently KO is TOO CRAZY to figure out that posting shit isn't okay as she JUST did just that! KO is one large self-contradictory cuntface!

    1. Yeah that cruise was 10 years ago, you'd think she'd be over it by now. But no. Still stalking and obsessing over one of the people who was burdened with her crazy ass.

  2. Nobody said anything remotely like what the Crazy One is saying on her recent posts, that's just the Crazy One being the psycho we all know she is. It's all a bunch of vomit that spews endlessly from her bloated body of bile.

  3. How predictable of her to go and post that kind of gruesome shit about someone. She was just posting about me, calling me a "open legged cunt" and calls Diana a "hooker" all the time and so this really doesn't surprise me. She was doing this even in 2011 when she blamed oil spills and dead fish on that poor woman too. I remember all that.

    Psycho Stalker is really so sick and twisted and fucked in the fat head. I can't see how she's not been taken down yet.

    1. "I can't see how she's not been taken down yet."
      I've got a very strong feeling that she's going to be very soon. ;)

  4. That catkick is one seriously messed up psycho. She definitely got problems in the head.

    1. I know right? She's definitely been busy using the internet again to show the world she's still as fucked up as she's always been.

  5. Oh so this Nackie person caused an oil spill? And the ONLY one posting about it anywhere is that crazier than shit sick fuck Kathryn O! Now there's a conspiracy!

  6. Oh look. Kooky O'Crazy the Troll hasn't been fed her usual diet of blood-soaked humans with a soul... so she hears something on the news and jumps right on her crazy train and makes sure everyone is reminded how mentally ill she still is.

    That cruise she wanted to be on after they threw her off, yeah how's that working out for her?

  7. Well she got served and I have heard that she is not going to court Monday. She refuses to acknowledge the Hearing. So what will happen next i wonder....

    1. Hopefully she'll get arrested at the next con.

    2. Good to hear she got served.
      The court can still issue a protection order without having her be present at the hearing.
      There is probably plenty of evidence(against KO) for them to be able to do so.

  8. That crazy fucked-up bitch fails again. Of course there's no link to any of her claims that someone posted about a pipeline about her (and I noticed how she's still hung up on twat thoughts - KO is definitely obsessed like forever) but she fails at providing any link to her claims that some city in Ar is 11 lowest. Well bitch, show us the proof! Oh but that's right, you just made that up.

    Feel so sorry for Nacky to have this hideous crazy bitch in Michigan eternally obsessed with her.

  9. And once again KO proves beyond a shadow of a doubt to everyone on the internet that she's disgusting, insane, psychotic and ugly!

  10. And I wish people in the LJ comms would STOP encouraging her delusions and feeding that drama queen. Yes2day is completely WRONG if she thinks people hate Catshit's fics based on "naughtiness". Nope. Wrong again. People hate the creepy, psychotic and horrible writing she posts. The constant attacks on people in between each low-quality fic and nobody cares what her fucking problem is with Stella, or Astrid or anyone. We all know Catshit is crazier than a shithouse rat!

  11. http://jackluvsmac.livejournal.com/714.html

    Sharing the link here! Thank you Jack!

    1. I just shared it with DeAnna and she's got it up on her blog. And another lady has it up on her DW journal. EL, if you want to, post the story here too! The more places it's at the better.

    2. I hear you, and I will post it later on as I do want to include MaccaMinx's story as well. I have it somewhere and have meant to post it eventually. Now I think I have the incentive to do it. But for now, I will be adding JackluvsMac LJ link to my links.

  12. Hey all, just stopping in this weekend to tell you I've forwarded the story by Maccaminx to DeAnna and she'll be posting it on her blog since she's got Jack's story about Julian & Stella there already and one of her own called The Psycho Paul Stalker.


    1. Done.


  13. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2680474&highlight=#2680474

    It's really so obvious she has no fucking clue who does what. Such a Beatles expert....NOT!

  14. KO got into Herc's head and he was posting shit for her that she (being the coward she is) wouldn't say. However KO has been bitterly bitching about how much "Paul hates her" and apparently is developing the same hatred for him that she had developed for Dirk Benedict after the Dirk Benedict cruise. KO got into a guy's head, a guy who is like a boy and twisted him all up. Got him all worked up and believing that Paul even "acknowledges" people like her and Herc. She fed him her poison and like all those NUTS who totally believe everyhing she tells them without question, he lost it. KO of course is still pumping him. Still on his friends list. She isn't through with him yet.

    You watch, that IDIOT FUCKTARD Robert Macs will allow Herc back because KO will demand it and of course, he can't go against Queenie center-of-attention herself! Her word is law to those minions of hers.

    1. Wow that Herc guy sounds just like the Crazy One KO! Same kind of shit about guns, same kinda shit about a celebrity she stalks. And wow, that whole RupertMacs group is a bunch of NUTS! HA them thinking they need to run to MPL now about one of their own! Still they don't see how KO is behind it all. Stooooooopid idiots.

    2. That Herc guy really needs to make public all the manipulating KO did on him though. She's been telling him all kinds of shit and is now acting like some univolved bystander! Hmmm.

      Trouble is, I don't think Herc is smart enough to expose her because he himself bought into her Paul hates us fans bullshit.

    3. One guy writes this: ""Regardless of how serious he was, he was a trouble maker. Instead of correctng himself like he should have, he encouraged/repeated the statement to get a reaction. This he admitted. He also claims he's not sorry, did nothing wrong and blames everyone else. No use for anyone like that.""

      Hmmmm. Sounds JUST like what MOWFO said about KO's behaviour when she would not apologize, claimed to do nothing wrong and blamed everyone else!

    4. The only left for Herc to be completely turned into a KO is to start accusing everyone of stalking him. Then he'll be a complete carbon copy of that psycho sociopath!

  15. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2681803&highlight=#2681803

    I got one too! I got one too! Anything anyone has, I got one too!


    The very same Paul who was never mentioned at all during her Dirk-obsessing phase until she glommed onto a local person's fandom and interest in PID. Yeah, that Paul.

    Oh and she claims in so many other rants that she became obsessed with Paul when she was in her teens. Pointing that out again. She sure can't keep her lies straight.

    And then there's this insane rant:

    First she claims her family numbers in the "thousands" and the story she tells differs from her first versions of it.
    But she writes this whole useless paragraph about Christmas cards then says it's her "brother" that tells her about John's death!
    Good grief! Why even bring up the damned card bit unless you were trying to stroke your own ego about your "thousands", psycho fuck! What the fuck did that have to do with anything???

    Then she claims that John Lennon tells her that he'll get rid of her "bastard" brother for her! Wow. Looks like she knows NOTHING of John Lennon and that he was a man of peace and the only psycho who would wish harm on another is Psycho KO herself! Even her own borther for fucks sakes! Not John, just the twisted psycho mind of a really ugly sociopath.

    Then the REAL reason of why she's posting about John comes to light! It's not about John at all! No it's about some other person who probably avoided her because KO is a psychopath and anyone seeing that is public enemy #1.

    The post is in reality a ploy so she can attack someone called Trudy Z (yet another unheard of person - undoubtedly made up) and from her "dream" that John would even hang around a house in Michigan watching over some idiot teenager just to "get even" with someone, is so ludicrous it screams INSANE BITCH all over it! It seems John's message is truly lost on Psycho KO.

    John would not come back from the dead to "get rid" of anyone even if it were possible. Have you learned anything stupid troll?

    The answer is NO!

    And how creepy can she get?

    Really? She thinks any of the Beatles has seen her naked? Goddamn is she still trying to tell people that lie?
    It's like she wants so bad to claim something that no one else can claim and it's all such a bullshit lie that has been proven to be a lie by her own changing of her idiot story!

    Her post is just creepy overall. How does MPL put up with that trash? She wants to see one of them naked! Serious stalker vibes there.

    Furthermore why even post in that thread if she can't contribute a sane response? Just to see herself online. Fucking trash.


    Celebrating what? That a court case is being brought against you? KO sure lives in her own fantasy world because what she's
    saying is just not reality, so she had no success at all.


    So now Paul's site allow that psycho to post about her shit. Literally.

    1. I got a laugh out of her Blu Ray answer on Paul's board. She clearly has never used a blu ray player in her life and was just making shit up as usual. She tried to claim that the discs cost over $60 too.

      She just always thinks of herself has a know it all, when she is really a knows nothing all.

    2. as a know it all

    3. I know! I was like WTF is her problem? Is she also seeing gremlins chew through TV wires too? She's so obvious in her drama and lies and that's another thing, her first plan of attack is to get anyone who will believe her to buy into her lies then her next step is to isolate those idiots and keep them from getting any whatsoever info from any of her past victims and/or people who know what a liar she is and can actually point out her lies and prove it!

      She can't have that oh no!

  16. The day she's off the internet will be a day heard round the world, a day of great celebration. Her minions will have to find another psycho to suck up to.

  17. This is a comment for that gullable Stephanie; go ahead and sit there and hate people that your drama queen boss tells you to hate. Pretty soon you'll be hating the entire world. Welcome to your enslavement by a very poisonous, toxic nasty hateful bitch who is evil down to the core. You go ahead and you listen to her lies and forsake your friend of over 20 years for a FRAUD you met on facebook last year. Congrats on being a total dumb cunt.

  18. The sad thing is she is again twisting reality as she is telling her few friends that the PPO was Defeated and she is home free. It is even more crazy that these few friends she has believe her hook line and sinker. I think people should be careful because one of these people confided in me she has access to this web page and others by using library and a laptop she has access to. It is sad that she stalks you and others who just want to be left the fuck alone. That she uses fake accounts to email people and stalks people on-line and in real life. She has a sickness and it will only be cured by getting professional help. Her Mother is an Enabler who allows her to hide behind her skirts. My Bet is her mom owns the Internet access account that she uses so she may fall back and say this is not me. It is not my account. this would not surprise me. good luck.....

  19. Let's talk about the "dangerous" shall we?


    "don't tell me about the mentally ill not being dangerous. I've had too many dealings with the 'special people' fixated on me."

    Yet when one of these people are getting a restraining order against HER, she mocks them:


    "Dumbass. keep it up. You're still pretty harmless. thankfully."

    So which is it? People who've kicked her to the curb are harmless according to her inasne journal but they're suddenly dangerous on MPL? Is she referring to Stu? Is she forgetting all her posted gun threats? What is she freebasing now?

    Mentally ill and dangerous Kathryn O who had made MANY people deal with her by banning her, getting orders for her to stop contacting them, etc.

    The mentally ill KO who screams for everyone to "leave me alone" but cannot ever stop harassing them! KO certainly won't stop and never intends to leave anyone else alone! And WHOA is she ever fixated on certain people from a long time ago! STILL!

    1. What she keeps failing so hard on is that everyone said the same thing about her for all these years.

      But she's too up her own ass.

      Anyone who sees what a nutcase she is will automatically be gossiped about by her, will be labelled by her, will be hounded by her. Anyone who sees through her mask will be called dangerous and crazy. It's how she keeps control over her minions and keeps herself from facing reality.

    2. that butterpie person is giving KO a run for her money on that board! Damn she's starting to lose it just like KO. Her posts make no sense at all. Maybe KO is actually butterpie in disguise. :)

    3. This is exactly what I thought or one of KO's minions. I'm kinda worried though what kind of link she got from BL because if she has a secret place to get info, she could get other people's info, like that Dirk fellow's info.

  20. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2685268&highlight=#2685268
    Rambling nonsense? Like SHE should talk! Oy!

    Yeah because EVERYONE is out to get her. It's ALL about her. Nobody else.

  21. Another made-up on the spot story that she's somehow never mentioned before despite all the threads about John!


    She always throws in dialogue. Like her rambling nonsense on LJ that she calls fics.

  22. Rahil isn't a vegan and neither are his friends. Looks like you supported a fake vegan.

    1. So what? That doesn't mean that WE will stop being vegan. I'm sure you want to take credit for getting Rahil to go vegan if he does or goes back to it. Either way, be gone troll!

    2. Yeah she thinks she's sneaky, but her Bloomfield Hills, Michigan IP shows right up there. Of course she'll claim one of her neighbors is posting it. Whatever she thinks sounds like a good enough lie.

    3. just fyi, Rahil is a vegan and has been since 2003.
      vegetarian since 1993, vegan since 2003.
      that info is very well publicly-known online (various online sites including his own) and offline (media, etc.).

      he also openly promotes veganism with his music (and with all the posts on MPL), so no idea why someone would say he isn't a vegan.

    4. It's KO saying that, because she loves to stir up trouble. We know she's been trying to cause trouble for lots of people who have been vocal about veganism. Don't worry nobody here believes the stupid troll. EL was being sarcastic because even she knows that KO does this kind of crap all the time. KO's antics are becoming more and more well known. They've even called KO out on Beatlelinks so Rahil has nothing to fear about people here buying into KO's lies.

    5. Yes of course she's causing her usual drama again. What in flying hell can she say about Rahil anyway? She's already caused enough problems and even now she went to an old thread, and replied to one of Rahil's posts from over three months ago and made herself look like an ass!

      Her behaviour and her blaming her mother's "religion" is just another typical sociopathic tactic she uses.

    6. That bitch had tried to cause similar problems for Milla too. KO tried to get Milla to thinking that Rahil was telling people that she wasn't vegan. But Milla has already stated that she knows damn well that KO was behind that.

      KO needs to go back to her mother's basement and start planning for a future in trailer-park existence along with her minion trashy minions.

  23. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2686259&highlight=#2686259

    Mind you, this is the SAME tyrant bitch who tries to get other people's stuff removed all the time because she's a dumbass who cannot accept responsibility for HER own dumbass-ness!

    And after trying to stir shit for Rahil, she goes and does her usual attacks on people and their religions!


    1. There's a great example of her trying to stop someone else's "freedom of speech" over on BeatleLinks that she's pretending to defend on MPL! Even the moderator over there said that she was trying to get posts deleted because it didn't go her way! She sure wanted to have Vintage (who is a HE btw) to bow down and be bashed without getting any of it handed back to her! Dumbass.


    2. Yep. She sure talks about freedom of speech a lot but can't seem to allow anyone that same right. And LOL her thread on BL got locked! And Jerry the Admin even told her off. Either way you slice it, that's two victories. Banning her would have been the nice prize, but she's working on getting the boot anyway. I've been recently talking with a member from Macca's Fun House and even they said she was always coming back in and it was always just one drama after another. They ended up banning her.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Repost
      ...there's no edit function for comments???

      "Yep. She sure talks about freedom of speech a lot but can't seem to allow anyone that same right. And LOL her thread on BL got locked! And Jerry the Admin even told her off. Either way you slice it, that's two victories. Banning her would have been the nice prize, but she's working on getting the boot anyway. I've been recently talking with a member from Macca's Fun House and even they said she was always coming back in and it was always just one drama after another. They ended up banning her."

      Well said! *claps*
      She always gets booted from any site she's a part of.
      I laughed out loud when her thread on BL got blocked. *giggles* *snort* ROFL
      The Dirk Benedict fan base got rid of her permanently and I'm 100% certain that the Beatles fan base will soon too!

    5. "I laughed out loud when her thread on BL got blocked."
      Think you meant "her thread got locked." ;)
      Anyway, read the BS that KO posts and OMG she certainly is a troll and a very ugly one at that too!
      KO sure as hell is no Beatles fan!
      IMHO a lot of Beatles fans will be greatly relieved when she's kicked out of that fandom.
      And she's been kicked out of the StarTrek fandom, Dirk Benedict Fandom, Battlestar Galactic fandom...and the list goes on!
      Hopefully, she'll also be kicked off the internet for good.
      And I say "Good Riddance!"

  24. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2687056&highlight=#2687056

    Funny that she should keep talking trash when she really should be looking in that mirror that she cracked.

  25. Scotland=Braveheart England=Iron LadyApril 27, 2013 at 2:52 PM

    That pack of trolls of the douchey Robert Macs has been just hammering members of MPL lately! They attack Suzy, Rahil and some other people there. Of course none of their arguments hold up when they are kissing the fat ass of a Dirk Benedict stalker who obsessed over him before getting obsessed with Macca and then was following someone else into Macca fandom via the PID thing!

    1. KO sent that guy the links to those threads and asked him to tear into Rahil. She must have been pissed that Rahil ignored her stupid anti-Catholic/anti-Jewish troll recently.

  26. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2688672&highlight=#2688672

    This was laughable because KO has sat outside people's houses AND she makes up personal histories all the friggin time!

    For example:


    Note that she changes the date AGAIN! This time it isn't 1992, it's 1993!

    Along with that she claims her tired old claim of being a Trek fan since 3. A stay-at-home Catholic mother that thinks everything is evil lets her 3 year old watch a show that she believes is evil and of course lets her spawn practice witchcraft and talk to the dead.

    (if anyone's wondering, please look up in the archive sites, it's all there, links and all, to outline KO's crazy lies and made-up stories)


    Her 30 year claim keeps slipping. Her ultra super knowledge about everything Macca has slipped yet again!!!

    The dipshit is such a DIPSHIT! Yeah she's definitely taken too much LSD to not even know how to look at the date on something about when the LSD guru actually passed away!


    1. Goddamn. The DATE is even right there under the headline of the LSD guy! But this doesn't surprise me. KO has even attacked old members of Macca's board that had been there long before she showed up to stink up the place and because they didn't have the thousands of posts that she does, she overlooked their JOIN dates that's RIGHT THERE on their stats but saw how many posts they had while somehow not seeing the dates. Their join dates were right there in front of her enormous nose!

    2. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2688886&highlight=#2688886

      Whuuuut? She's trying to backpeddle her glaring mistake by claiming she looked for a date and couldn't find one! Then claims the current date is there! Um, no it isn't.

      This isn't the first time she's announced something and being completely off *cough cough* like Beatles history for instance *cough cough* but you'd think she could have just SEEN the damned date right there at the TOP of the article. Fucking idiot.

  27. http://johnheartpaul.livejournal.com/2271476.html#comments

    However she makes up everything else and lies about people all the time.

    Somewhere in that string of comments, the Queen Troll says: George mentioned it so briefly in the Anthology that it didn't even register. and I'm surprised since J/G was my first OTP in the Beatles back in the early 80s.

    Again, she keeps changing her story (she has claimed so many different combos were her first smut stories) and throughout ALL her comments *anywhere* on *every* site she's stinking up, she's always making damn sure to repeat her lies about being a big Beatles fan/know-it-all since childhood and keeping up with everything since then! Yet we have bonafide proof she's a liar and a fraud.

    Note that she keeps bringing up the 4 or 5 books she has read (after ordering them off Amazon.com and still claims she had them from decades ago) all the time, because that's her whole knowledge on Beatle history. She didn't follow them let alone being in Beatle fandom like the geniune people who have been.

  28. trolls

    1. Yeah I know. And I know my friends and myself have suffered some backlash over that debate.

  29. See kids, doing drugs (acid) is cool and gives you one helluva ego the size of a quasar!


    The blondes didn't do drugs so OF COURSE "they" were on a "destructive" path. Sheeeesh!

    Every comment from her is creepy and sickening when you know she was stalking an actor before being obsessed with Paul.

  30. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2693658&highlight=#2693658

    And yet...NONE of her John Lennon activism came to light at all during all her years preaching all her "other" activism activities (like the ones she claimed to be in to impress Dirk Benedict)

    1. We all know she's lying. She knows she lies, but as long as she keeps lying to herself, she'll believe anything she spews.

  31. http://maccaboard.paulmccartney.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2693907&highlight=#2693907

    The psycho troll KO just couldn't be more wrong! People in the U.K. as well as everywhere did have a problem with John's statements.

    But of course, the real reason she interrupts is to insert some poor-me victim crap all about "her".


    As usual, KO is too dumb to realize that it's the same car! The written discription is even obvious on that fact!
