Sunday, October 18, 2020

Another Creepy I-Must-Control-You Whackjob Post from KO

 How to describe this one? It's total projection while she jumps up and down (projection is her middle name) and screams that I won't be "free" of her. The joke is definitely on her.

Hmm. Yep. Some batshit crazy from the Psycho One. As others might say.

I had no idea I'm still living rent free in her head and that she's still fucked up over my blog that exposes her crazy ass.


  1. So basically she's saying she's going to keep pursuing you, while playing the victim, while screaming about being exposed for the crazy bitch she is? Oh yeah, we sure didn't see that one coming! /sarcasm.

    1. A little twisted batshit clown. It's a sad world she inhabits in her mind. You have to remember she projects like she breathes.

      Her parents disowned her, had her committed a couple of times. In case you were wondering where she gets all the rage from about other people's parents and her over-use of the same tired old insults and her over-use of bringing up someone's parents. It's so old and so predictable.

      So yes, I'm still being stalked by a crazy bitch who wants me to know that her obsession with me won't stop, while she feigns to play the victim, while acting just as insane as she did on PM boards.

    2. MPC boards = McCartney Paul Company, LLC. So Paul McCartney's forum.

  2. All you have ever said is the truth about kooky o crazy.
    And she can't spell and couldn't spell if her life depended on it.
    She's proven over and over again that she's insane and definitely needs to be committed again.
    And she's the laughing stock of the internet.
    And I know why she doesn't post her real life photo of herself on her Facebook profile.
    She's so ugly that her computer screen would be break.
    She at one time claimed that she was a petite and blonde dancer.
    Nothing of the kind. She has shit colored hair and shit for brains. Literally! LOL

    1. You are 100% correct! There is another blogger though that did capture all her gory ugliness and put up for the world to see. It's like we were all into DECLAS long before it was popular! Cheers! Keep fighting the good fight, anon!

    2. You should see what she is posting now. OMFG. Reported the posts to the email with abuse and also included screencaps and dates when the posts were published on her journal. Am thinking they are taking a really close look. They do have access to any and all deleted journal entries from a current journal at livejournal. Hope to see you updating again soon! And hopefully with good news that the plague of the internet has finally been shut up for good.
