Sunday, October 18, 2020

Another Creepy I-Must-Control-You Whackjob Post from KO

 How to describe this one? It's total projection while she jumps up and down (projection is her middle name) and screams that I won't be "free" of her. The joke is definitely on her.

Hmm. Yep. Some batshit crazy from the Psycho One. As others might say.

I had no idea I'm still living rent free in her head and that she's still fucked up over my blog that exposes her crazy ass.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Latest Crazed Bitch Projects Again!

So this crazy ass Paul stalker, formerly a Dirk stalker, thinks that I somehow "raped" her by my posting my blog exposing her foul lies and her derangement that has gone on forever as she loves to threaten, wish death upon, and show herself to be the most vile maggot to crawl the face of this earth.

Just look at the hysteria she has posted at her InsaneJournal:

Now she claims I think like a "rapist" because I have a life and don't think about the crazy bitch. While of course I live rent-free in her mind.

But let's go further into this psychotic episode of her latest outburst. She has spent years attacking and stalking people across the world for calling out her psychotic shit, while she herself claims to have such a great life and moving on and forgetting all these people who she imagines "wronged" her, but while she claims this (like a rapist would - as is her new talking point) she still posts endlessly all these death wishes, witchy threats, and her general psychotic breaks and out-of-control hatred.

And again, I get this screenshot by way of her fiddling with her spam tactics. And as always, there's a whole lotta crazy to laugh at. The only thing anyone can do is laugh at her. There is no hope this twisted twunt and her life will eventually end with nobody able to stand her presence and nobody will even care.

Couldn't happen to a nicer entity.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Kooky O'Crazy is still psycho!

The obsession she holds for me comes and goes as she redials everyone on her list of people who've utterly rejected her, but her crazy is eternal. Apparently. Still obsessing over me - as me and the McCartney forums have moved on without her. Mind you I haven't seen her slimy livejournal in ages but I got wind of the latest attacks. Again out of the blue.

We're going to go over some items here, because her failbook is still filled with gripes against DJ Stu, Kimba, MOWFO, Dirk's fanbase, and of course, Dirk himself.

First let's address her insane post as screen-grabbed below

And that fuckwit low IQ stalking creep is serious about exposing her lack of grasping the English language. But since she doesn't even bother to learn basic American English, it would be in vain to educate the little shit the origins of the term "Lass" but for my readers I will put this here:
The Irish use "lad" and "lass" more often than the Scottish "laddie" or "lassie." Like the Scots, however, the Irish will use these terms regardless of age. And I am of Irish descent.

In the Middle Ages, the term also referred to a woman who was of a high court, meaning Lady. Which is the Old Middle English used during the years A.D. 1109 to roughly A.D. 1590. So instead of "Lady" they did use the term "Lass" in days of yore in both Ireland and Scotland.

But don't expect that ratty bitch to know anything. And her infantile rant shows that her claims of being an adult is still as laughable now as it was then.

Moving on, another post accompanies the laughable ignorance of Kooky. Lashing out at someone called Gordon. I wish I could keep up with her endless list of folks she wishes all this harm on and stalks around. But I cannot. I can only tell you that Gordon is someone that tried to keep her away from him when she was trying to get into some club that identify as wiccans.


Whatever the deal is there, we all know it's twisted and spun up by the deranged mind of someone who's still hung up on Dirk Benedict. Yes, her facebook posts still mention him and with more frequency than a couple years ago when it was all about Paul McCartney. More on that in a minute.

Here we have a hilarious, though I'm sure unintentional admission of her guilt as she basically names her targets off and then says it's not okay to treat them like crap. Wonder if she realizes that she basically is calling herself out. But we all know she's a babbling hypocrite.

And while she posts about her cats, which we all wish she would stick to that, as cats are adorable and heavenly creatures, she fills up her failbook wall with constant attacks against anyone and everyone she targets and stalks, or used to stalk. And the most pathetic thing is, she is still convinced her and Dirk Benedict have a relationship. Her mental illness will never be cured. Want proof? Here's a comment to that screenie pictured above.

Naturally people looking in would scratch their heads in bewilderment as the events she dredges up are from two thousand and fucking four! (2004) when she was booted from a cruise because she stalked Mr. Benedict on that ship to a point he felt very unsafe and threatened.

And she's saying he needs to "fix" their (as in both her and him) bad karma! WTF? What bad karma does he have? I'm sure he's doing fine. And for "fixing" his fanbase, wow the infection of her unhinged fevered rage has rotted her brain. What actor is supposed to "fix" their fanbase to what she feels should be fixed? Yeah I'm sure Dirk Benedict will eventually get around to telling all his fans to accept and love the horrid nightmare that has relentlessly stalked them for over a decade, and to embrace her as one of their own. Then he can announce that they will be wed and she will take over the kingdom and make all the subjects of Dirk Fandom fall down and worship at her ghastly feet.

These are things that no doubt go through her mind.

And then a lot of her failbook posts rage on Trump. OMG! What the flying fuck has Trump ever done to her or anyone? WTF has MOWFO or Benedict or his fans done to anyone? Don't get me started on that demoncratic fucked-in-the-head party!

I don't identify as conservative but goddamn! The media has really twisted low IQ retarded assholes like her into such a frenzy. I caught one post where she and some idiots absolutely believe the spin put on Trump about some white supreme crop. Newflash! He never called nazis or kkk as "fine people" but of course those idiots didn't bother to look at the fact that the media edited shit and did their usual fake fuckery. As a matter of fact, the same group of kkk people has ties with fucking Clinton and Soros! Fucking moronic low IQ kooks. I could not hate any woman as much as I hate Hillary. You might think I hate Kooky O'Crazy more, but the fact is, I don't. Why? Because Kooky has done harm to lots of people, that's true. But not the level of harm that Hillary has done to people and nations! Fucking genocidal beast of darkness. That Hillary.

I could screen grab all Kooky's recent failbook posts, but why? It's all the same as before.

Nothing's changed.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Forgetting About Kooky But Kooky Still Obsessing On Me!

I am the subject of another crazy ass post by the resident Paul Board crackhead KO. It's a pathetic accusation which is really her projection since she is the dictionary definition of obscuring details and facts while lying compulsively and whenever her mouth is moving.

So here we go again with the debunking of her crazy shit.

1. I leave out details that are irrelevant to her crusade against people that don't factor in the subject matters I put forth here, and there are so many people she attacks all the time, I simply cannot keep track of her crusade against the humans. And it's that her details are lies of events that she makes up in her mind. So I can't be blamed for leaving out a detail about pink elephants, purple penguins, and George Harrison's nude encounters with her and her snake, pet llama, flask worn on a belt over her naked self, and a cop and a photographer that just happened to be at his estate or national forest or whatever the location is now in her elaborate lie about meeting him while naked, since I have no idea what the bat will come up with next.

2. Oh how she projects! She twists the truth to serve her purpose! But what exactly is her purpose? To relive a cruise over and over, maybe go back in time and have that sexual encounter with Dirk Benedict that she felt needed to happen? The celebrity she was stalking prior to taking up an obsession with Paul McCartney.

3. Who the fuck is Shay? Some innocent lady who probably never said or did anything. Who the fuck is Brick? Some poor chap who was convulsing in lobbies and left to die and she wants to show me how she saved his life? So convulsing in lobbies must require this kook crackhead to save him because lobbies of hotels just can't be bothered to help their guests. Yeah that's how it works and mind you, dear reader, the hotel is incapable of providing food and meds or even a real doctor. No, it's all up to her to save the life of Brick!

Oooookay. Whatever crazy bitch! Wow you showed me! LOL.


Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Creep at FB is KO III

Haven't updated in a while. FB news on the KO front is that she's still obsessed with Stu and his crew.

This was one that I found quite hilarious but just as insane. As always.

Kooky O'Crazy begs for human dignity then proceeds to slander and dismantle others of... human dignity.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Creep at FB is KO II

I did a blog entry at this LINK, but apparently with the psycho drama the whackjob Kooky O'Crazy is still churning out, it's time to feature another blog entry. This is just some more batshit and by no means all of it since the former blog post...

This is how she thinks, it's all about curses and being destructive. Like Hillary Clinton, all she can do is prove how much of a loser she is with the constant bitching and with it, the wish to hurt others!

Both are evil entities. Very evil. Very destructive. Thank goodness neither of those psycho bitches have any real power.

Now time to dispel some twisted lies from KO and point out the utterly ridiculousness of her bullshit.

1. Shay was the one who was approached at a convention local to KO, and she was harassed by KO. Shay turned KO down when KO wanted to "pet" her. Shay reacted to the request with a polite 'no' and after that KO went around trying to start rumors about Shay. KO doesn't handle rejection at all.

2. Shay posted about her experience in Survivors of Stalking that KO constantly refers to her victims as "mental patients" as any psychopath would of their victims. It's always someone else's fault according to them. Btw, KO stalked that forum for years and tried to have it hacked into by several lowlifes to just tell her what was being said. Thus when Shay related her experience "There isn't enough soap in the world to wash Kathryn off" was basically Shay's disgust at KO's lurid attempts to hit on her. Shay handled the situation with grace.

3. KO NEVER, EVER, "saved" Brick's life. Nor did Shay try to apologize to KO. That never happened.

4. KO was not "arrested" for a "crime" of "being unpopular". Fucking what the hell is it with this drama queen? LOL so far the laughable statements about that matches with the laughable story she's telling there.

5. People were discussing ways to have KO adhere to the LAW when it comes to harassment. Which KO engages in all the time. The constant curses she wants to cause should be a clear indicator of how mentally ill she is and how it coincides with her active harassment of people. So nobody was trying to have her jailed for being unpopular. Just jailed for the active harassment and threats (usually in the form of curses) because most who are her victims do deal with this filthy nasty woman almost on a daily basis when they would like for her to just go the fuck away.

And the comments she got from a Bella Dee (I'm so sure that's her real name lol) is just proof she has some people totally fooled.

Anyway, whoever she's cursing now, we can take bets that it's Betty or Gordon. Or maybe Matt, since word got around that he never gave any indication that he would "deal with Gordon". Yeah don't try to make sense of her antics. It will just cause further frustration. KO is the epitome of ludicrous.

She's the Harvey Weinstein of Michigan conventions. And just as ugly.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

LOL the Kooky O Crazy Bitch Still Obsessed with Me

Here I am featured again on a crappy livejournal with a bunch of horrible writing.

Apparently my parents are assholes just like everyone else's who this bitch hates on. Lots of talk of penises and vaginas and tits. I feel as if I looked into a gaping hole combination of vomit and KO's unsuccessful dildo sessions which makes anyone want to vomit!

And since her English was obviously taught to her by deranged psycho bridge trolls, I had to laugh at her explanation of where and what the meaning of "Lass" is. Lord can anyone be more pathetic? In this day and age where information like this has been available for ages!

Then here KO is claiming some powers again. This is to laugh! I've never been on fire nor felt any heat or flames lashing about me. It's hilarious but yet grimly sad in a way to think someone is spending that kind of energy on me. But whatever.

And anyone who writes;  I know her major organs have turned against her including her blood.  She might need to look up emotional causes of such distress and see if it correlates to her ills.  and that was just pine on black with a major emotional anger directed right at her.

THAT is what a professional therapist would say is a real psychopath who is a danger to others. There she suggests it's this Betty's "stress" that caused some ailment but then KO immediately takes credit for it by suggesting her "pine on black" and her "major emotional anger" was really the cause of it. Whatever it is. Bat. Fucking. Insane.

But we all know how she loves to claim doctors have diagnosed all the people she attacks with her rage and imaginary voodoo witchy spells. Ay-yi-yi-yi.

Also don't forget the screenshots are featured on this BLOG with commentary.